Miguel Elias M. Campista
Cited by
Cited by
Routing metrics and protocols for wireless mesh networks
MEM Campista, PM Esposito, IM Moraes, LHMK Costa, OCMB Duarte, ...
IEEE network 22 (1), 6-12, 2008
Improving the data transmission throughput over the home electrical wiring
MEM Campista, LHMK Costa, OCMB Duarte
The IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 30th Anniversary (LCN'05) l …, 2005
Virtual networks: Isolation, performance, and trends
NC Fernandes, MDD Moreira, IM Moraes, LHG Ferraz, RS Couto, ...
Annals of telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 66, 339-355, 2011
Trace selection for improved WLAN monitoring
M Sammarco, MEM Campista, M Dias de Amorim
Proceedings of the 5th ACM workshop on HotPlanet, 9-14, 2013
A survey on wireless ad hoc networks
MG Rubinstein, IM Moraes, MEM Campista, LHMK Costa, OCMB Duarte
IFIP International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks …, 2006
OpenFlow and Xen-based virtual network migration
PS Pisa, NC Fernandes, HET Carvalho, MDD Moreira, MEM Campista, ...
IFIP International Conference on Wireless Communications and Information …, 2010
Measuring the capacity of in-car to in-car vehicular networks
MG Rubinstein, FB Abdesslem, MD De Amorim, SR Cavalcanti, RS Alves, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 47 (11), 128-136, 2009
Omni: Openflow management infrastructure
DMF Mattos, NC Fernandes, VT Da Costa, LP Cardoso, MEM Campista, ...
2011 International Conference on the Network of the Future, 52-56, 2011
Implementing the expected transmission time metric for OLSR wireless mesh networks
PM Esposito, MEM Campista, IM Moraes, LHMK Costa, OCMB Duarte, ...
2008 1st IFIP Wireless Days, 1-5, 2008
Redes veiculares: Princıpios, aplicaçoes e desafios
RS Alves, IV Campbell, RS Couto, MEM Campista, IM Moraes, ...
Minicursos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, SBRC, 17-24, 2009
Network design requirements for disaster resilience in IaaS clouds
RS Couto, S Secci, MEM Campista, LHMK Costa
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (10), 52-58, 2014
Reliability and survivability analysis of data center network topologies
RDS Couto, S Secci, MEM Campista, LHMK Costa
Journal of Network and Systems Management 24, 346-392, 2016
The ad hoc return channel: A low-cost solution for Brazilian interactive digital TV
MEM Campista, IM Moraes, PM Esposito, A Amodei, DO Cunha, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 45 (1), 136-143, 2007
FITS: A flexible virtual network testbed architecture
IM Moraes, DMF Mattos, LHG Ferraz, MEM Campista, MG Rubinstein, ...
Computer Networks 63, 221-237, 2014
Virtualizing vehicular node resources: Feasibility study of virtual machine migration
B Baron, M Campista, P Spathis, LHMK Costa, MD de Amorim, ...
Vehicular Communications 4, 39-46, 2016
A survey on deep learning for challenged networks: Applications and trends
K Bochie, MS Gilbert, L Gantert, MSM Barbosa, DSV Medeiros, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 194, 103213, 2021
A reliability analysis of datacenter topologies
RS Couto, MEM Campista, LHMK Costa
2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1890-1895, 2012
Minimum loss multiplicative routing metrics for wireless mesh networks
D Passos, CVN de Albuquerque, MEM Campista, LHMK Costa, ...
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 1, 201-214, 2011
Server placement with shared backups for disaster-resilient clouds
RS Couto, S Secci, MEM Campista, LHMK Costa
Computer Networks 93, 423-434, 2015
Sensingbus: Using bus lines and fog computing for smart sensing the city
PHC Caminha, FF da Silva, RG Pacheco, R de Souza Couto, PB Velloso, ...
IEEE Cloud Computing 5 (5), 58-69, 2018
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Articles 1–20