Automatic tonic identification in Indian art music: approaches and evaluation S Gulati, A Bellur, J Salamon, HG Ranjani, V Ishwar, HA Murthy, X Serra Journal of New Music Research 43 (1), 53-71, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
Carnatic music analysis: Shadja, swara identification and raga verification in alapana using stochastic models HG Ranjani, S Arthi, TV Sreenivas 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and …, 2011 | 62 | 2011 |
ChatGPT: A Study on its Utility for Ubiquitous Software Engineering Tasks G Sridhara, HG Ranjani, S Mazumdar arxiv, 1-12, 2023 | 32 | 2023 |
Observations on LLMs for Telecom Domain: Capabilities and Limitations S Soman, HG Ranjani arxiv, 1-11, 2023 | 17 | 2023 |
A compact pitch and time representation for melodic contours in Indian art music HG Ranjani, A Srinivasamurthy, D Paramashivan, TV Sreenivas The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145 (1), 597-603, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Quantized Melodic Contours in Indian Art Music Perception: Application to Transcription. HG Ranjani, D Paramashivan, TV Sreenivas ISMIR, 174-180, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Hierarchical classification of carnatic music forms HG Ranjani, TV Sreenivas International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Discovering structural similarities among rāgas in Indian Art Music: a computational approach HG Ranjani, D Paramashivan, TV Sreenivas Sādhanā 44 (5), 120, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Multi-instrument detection in polyphonic music using Gaussian Mixture based factorial HMM HG Ranjani, TV Sreenivas 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Language independent automated segmentation of speech using Bach scale filter-banks G Ananthakrishnan, HG Ranjani, AG Ramakrishnan 2006 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information …, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Time series based approach for detecting Passive Intermodulation occurrences in cellular network HG Ranjani, SP Puthennurakel, A Brisebois, S Banerjee, V Umaashankar International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS) 2022 …, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Raga Identification using Repetitive Note Patterns from prescriptive notations of Carnatic Music HG Ranjani, TV Sreenivas arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.11357, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Comparative study of filter-bank mean-energy distance for automated segmentation of speech signals G Ananthakrishnan, HG Ranjani, AG Ramakrishnan 2007 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and …, 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
Evaluation of RAG Metrics for Question Answering in the Telecom Domain S Roychowdhury, S Soman, HG Ranjani, N Gunda, V Chhabra, SK Bala ICML 2024 Workshop on Foundation Models in the Wild, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
1e0a: A Computational Approach to Rhythm Training N Alben, HG Ranjani Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), 2022, 33-40, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Student's-t mixture model based multi-instrument recognition in polyphonic music H Sundar, HG Ranjani, TV Sreenivas 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013 | 3 | 2013 |
Link-Adaptation for Improved Quality-of-Service in V2V Communication using Reinforcement Learning S Banerjee, J Bose, S Paul, P Lohumi, S Bandyopadhyay, SK Reddy, ... AI & ML Systems, 2022, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Prediction of Throughput Degradation from Trouble Frequencies, given Environmental Unknowns J Bose, HG Ranjani, S Banerjee, V Umaashankar International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS …, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Raga identification using repetitive note patterns from prescriptive notations of Carnatic music HG Ranjani, TV Sreenivas arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.11357, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Speech enhancement using Discriminative Random Fields A Saligrama, HG Ranjani, HN Shankar, R Muralishankar TENCON 2015-2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-6, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |