The dynamics of social practice: Everyday life and how it changes E Shove, M Watson, M Pantzar Sage, 2012 | 5871 | 2012 |
Consumers, producers and practices: Understanding the invention and reinvention of Nordic walking E Shove, M Pantzar Journal of consumer culture 5 (1), 43-64, 2005 | 1635 | 2005 |
Understanding innovation in practice: a discussion of the production and re-production of Nordic Walking M Pantzar, E Shove Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 22 (4), 447-461, 2010 | 375 | 2010 |
Recruitment and reproduction: The careers and carriers of digital photography and floorball E Shove, M Pantzar Human Affairs 17 (2), 154-167, 2007 | 296 | 2007 |
Beyond the quantified self: Thematic exploration of a dataistic paradigm M Ruckenstein, M Pantzar New Media & Society 19 (3), 401-418, 2017 | 292 | 2017 |
Toward sustainable consumption: Two new perspectives E Heiskanen, M Pantzar Journal of Consumer policy 20 (4), 409-442, 1997 | 292 | 1997 |
User involvement in radical innovation: are consumers conservative? E Heiskanen, K Hyvönen, M Niva, M Pantzar, P Timonen, J Varjonen European Journal of Innovation Management 10 (4), 489-509, 2007 | 219 | 2007 |
Domestication of everyday life technology: dynamic views on the social histories of artifacts M Pantzar Design Issues 13 (3), 52-65, 1997 | 216 | 1997 |
The heart of everyday analytics: emotional, material and practical extensions in self-tracking market M Pantzar, M Ruckenstein Consumption Markets & Culture 18 (1), 92-109, 2015 | 208 | 2015 |
Kuinka teknologia kesytetään: kulutuksen tieteestä kulutuksen taiteeseen M Pantzar Tammi, 1996 | 185 | 1996 |
Tulevaisuuden koti: arjen tarpeita keksimässä M Pantzar Otava, 2000 | 163 | 2000 |
Living the metrics: Self-tracking and situated objectivity M Pantzar, M Ruckenstein Digital health 3, 2055207617712590, 2017 | 116 | 2017 |
Fossilisation E Shove, M Pantzar Ethnologia Europaea 35 (1), 59-62, 2005 | 109 | 2005 |
Kuluttajakansalaiset tulevat I Halava, M Pantzar Miksi työn johtaminen muuttuu, 2010 | 86 | 2010 |
The data economy: How technological change has altered the role of the citizen-consumer M Lammi, M Pantzar Technology in Society 59, 101157, 2019 | 82 | 2019 |
Suomi24: muodonantoa aineistolle KH Lagus, MS Ruckenstein, M Pantzar, MJ Ylisiurua Helsingin yliopisto, 2016 | 81 | 2016 |
Temporal rhythms as outcomes of social practices: A speculative discussion M Pantzar, E Shove Ethnologia Europaea 40 (1), 19-29, 2010 | 76 | 2010 |
Users inventing ways to enjoy new mobile services-the case of watching mobile videos P Repo, K Hyvonen, M Pantzar, P Timonen 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004 | 72 | 2004 |
Product Development and Changing Cultural Landscapes: Is Our Future in" Snowboarding"? T Kotro, M Pantzar Design issues 18 (2), 30-45, 2002 | 64 | 2002 |
Tools or Toys--Inventing the Need for Domestic Appliances in Postwar and Postmodern Finland M Pantzar Journal of Advertising 32 (1), 83-93, 2003 | 60 | 2003 |