Carla Silva Oliveira
Carla Silva Oliveira
Professor de Matemática da Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas
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The characteristic polynomial of the Laplacian of graphs in (a, b)-linear classes
CS Oliveira, NMM de Abreu, S Jurkiewicz
Linear algebra and its applications 356 (1-3), 113-121, 2002
Impulsive Dirac‐delta forces in the rocking motion
F Prieto, PB Lourenço, CS Oliveira
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 33 (7), 839-857, 2004
The smallest eigenvalue of the signless Laplacian
LS De Lima, CS Oliveira, NMM De Abreu, V Nikiforov
Linear algebra and its applications 435 (10), 2570-2584, 2011
Bounds on the index of the signless Laplacian of a graph
CS Oliveira, LS de Lima, NMM de Abreu, P Hansen
Discrete Applied Mathematics 158 (4), 355-360, 2010
Socioeconomic status and education level are associated with dyslipidemia in adults not taking lipid-lowering medication: a population-based study
LR Espírito Santo, TO Faria, CSO Silva, LA Xavier, VC Reis, GA Mota, ...
International health 14 (4), 346-353, 2022
Bounds on the Q-spread of a graph
CS Oliveira, LS De Lima, NMM de Abreu, S Kirkland
Linear algebra and its applications 432 (9), 2342-2351, 2010
Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. XI. bounds on algebraic connectivity
S Belhaiza, NMM De Abreu, P Hansen, CS Oliveira
Graph theory and combinatorial optimization, 1-16, 2005
Seismic hazard for the Central Group of the Azores Islands
A Carvalho, ML Sousa, CS Oliveira, A Campos-Costa, JC Nunes, ...
Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 42 (1-2), 89-105, 2001
Porphyrin modified trastuzumab improves efficacy of HER2 targeted photodynamic therapy of gastric cancer
B Korsak, GM Almeida, S Rocha, C Pereira, N Mendes, H Osório, ...
International Journal of Cancer 141 (7), 1478-1489, 2017
Lean manufacturing paradigm in the foundry industry
CS de Oliveira, EB Pinto
Estudos Tecnologicos em Engenharia 4 (3), 218-230, 2008
Epidemiological aspects of paracoccidioidomycosis in the endemic area of Botucatu (Sao Paulo-Brazil).
SA Marques, MF Franco, RP Mendes, NCA Silva, C Baccili, ED Curcelli, ...
Moderate aerobic exercise on the recovery phase of gentamicin-induced acute kidney injury in rats
CS Oliveira, AM Rodrigues, GB Nogueira, MA Nascimento, GR Punaro, ...
Life Sciences 169, 37-42, 2017
Re-evaluation of seismic intensities and relocation of 1969 Saint Vincent Cape seismic sequence: a comparison with the 1755 Lisbon earthquake
E Buforn, C López-Sánchez, L Lozano, JM Martínez-Solares, S Cesca, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 177, 1781-1800, 2020
Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of a rare Cantrell’s pentalogy variant with associated open neural tube defect–a case report
T Loureiro, C Oliveira, J Aroso, MJ Ferreira, J Vieira
Fetal diagnosis and therapy 22 (3), 172-174, 2007
Fatores associados ao estilo de vida de estudantes do ensino médio de escolas públicas
MFSF Brito, L Pinho, AB Brito, RB Messias, S Pinho, AA Oliveira, ...
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem 40, e20180168, 2019
The clique number and the smallest Q-eigenvalue of graphs
L De Lima, V Nikiforov, C Oliveira
Discrete Mathematics 339 (6), 1744-1752, 2016
Educação nutricional em unidade de alimentação e nutrição, direcionada para consumo de pratos protéicos: um estudo de caso
Alimentos e Nutrição Araraquara 19 (4), 435-440, 2009
Low energy alpha particle tracks in CR-39 nuclear track detectors: Chemical etching studies
CS Oliveira, B Malheiros, KCC Pires, M Assunção, S Guedes, JN Corrêa, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2021
Measures of irregularity of graphs
JA Oliveira, CS Oliveira, C Justel, NMM Abreu
Pesquisa Operacional 33, 383-398, 2013
Effect of hydrochloric acid in different concentrations and temperatures up to some properties of organic cassava starch
LP Cordoba, LS Ribeiro, TAD Colman, CS Oliveira, MMP Andrade, ...
Braz. J. Therm. Anal 2 (1), 6-11, 2013
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Articles 1–20