Daniel Brito
Daniel Brito
Universidade Federal de Goiás
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Understanding global patterns of mammalian functional and phylogenetic diversity
K Safi, MV Cianciaruso, RD Loyola, D Brito, K Armour-Marshall, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 366 …, 2011
How similar are national red lists and the IUCN Red List?
D Brito, RG Ambal, T Brooks, N De Silva, M Foster, W Hao, ...
Biological conservation 143 (5), 1154-1158, 2010
Overcoming the Linnean shortfall: data deficiency and biological survey priorities
D Brito
Basic and Applied Ecology 11 (8), 709-713, 2010
Unraveling the conservation status of Data Deficient species
AR Morais, MN Siqueira, P Lemes, NM Maciel, P De Marco Jr, D Brito
Biological conservation 166, 98-102, 2013
Amphibian conservation: are we on the right track?
D Brito
Biological conservation 141 (11), 2912-2917, 2008
Lack of adequate taxonomic knowledge may hinder endemic mammal conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
D Brito
Biodiversity & Conservation 13, 2135-2144, 2004
How does the inclusion of Data Deficient species change conservation priorities for amphibians in the Atlantic Forest?
J Trindade-Filho, RA de Carvalho, D Brito, RD Loyola
Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 2709-2718, 2012
What we (don't) know about the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on felids
M Zanin, F Palomares, D Brito
Oryx 49 (1), 96-106, 2015
An overview of Brazilian mammalogy: trends, biases and future directions
D Brito, LC Oliveira, M Oprea, MAR Mello
Zoologia (Curitiba) 26, 67-73, 2009
Estimating Minimum Area of Suitable Habitat and Viable Population Size for the Northern Muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus)
D Brito, CEV Grelle
Biodiversity & Conservation 15, 4197-4210, 2006
Effects of habitat fragmentation on the persistence of medium and large mammal species in the Brazilian Savanna of Goiás State
EC Rocha, D Brito, J Silva, PVS Bernardo, L Juen
Biota Neotropica 18, e20170483, 2018
The potential impact of white-nose syndrome on the conservation status of North American bats
DMCC Alves, LC Terribile, D Brito
PloS one 9 (9), e107395, 2014
Minimum viable population and conservation status of the Atlantic Forest spiny rat Trinomys eliasi
D Brito, MSL Figueiredo
Biological Conservation 113 (1), 153-158, 2003
Uma análise de horizontes sobre a conservação de morcegos no Brasil
E Bernard, LMS Aguiar, D Brito, AP Cruz-Neto, R Gregorin, RB Machado, ...
Mamíferos do Brasil: genética, sistemática, ecologia e conservação 2, 19-35, 2012
Metapopulation viability of the marsupial Micoureus demerarae in small Atlantic Forest fragments in south-eastern Brazil
D Brito, FAS Fernandez
Animal Conservation forum 3 (3), 201-209, 2000
The jaguar's patches: Viability of jaguar populations in fragmented landscapes
M Zanin, F Palomares, D Brito
Journal for Nature Conservation 23, 90-97, 2015
An overview of mammalian conservation at Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, southeastern Brazil
D Brito, LC Oliveira, MAR Mello
Journal for Nature Conservation 12 (4), 219-228, 2004
Effectiveness of a reserve network for the conservation of the endemic marsupial Micoureus travassosi in Atlantic Forest remnants in southeastern Brazil
D Brito, CE de Viveiros Grelle
Biodiversity & Conservation 13, 2519-2536, 2004
Threats to and viability of the giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Pilosa: Myrmecophagidae), in a protected Cerrado remnant encroached by urban expansion in central Brazil
MF Diniz, D Brito
Zoologia (Curitiba) 30, 151-156, 2013
Global patterns of phylogenetic beta diversity components in bats
FP Peixoto, PHP Braga, MV Cianciaruso, JAF Diniz‐Filho, D Brito
Journal of Biogeography 41 (4), 762-772, 2014
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