Douglas A. Craig
Douglas A. Craig
Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences, University of Alberta
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Hydrodynamics and behaviour of Simuliidae larvae (Diptera)
MM Chance, DA Craig
Canadian Journal of Zoology 64 (6), 1295-1309, 1986
Geographical history of the central‐western Pacific black fly subgenus Inseliellum (Diptera: Simuliidae: Simulium) based on a reconstructed phylogeny of the …
DA Craig, DC Currie, DA Joy
Journal of Biogeography 28 (9), 1101-1127, 2001
Filter feeding in larvae of Simuliidae (Diptera: Culicomorpha): aspects of functional morphology and hydrodynamics
DA Craig, MM Chance
Canadian Journal of Zoology 60 (4), 712-724, 1982
Geomorphology, development of running water habitats, and evolution of black flies on Polynesian islands
DA Craig
BioScience 53 (11), 1079-1093, 2003
Feeding strategies of larval black flies.
DC Currie, DA Craig
Mechanisms of fine particle capture by larval black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae)
DH Ross, DA Craig
Canadian Journal of Zoology 58 (6), 1186-1192, 1980
An ecological classification of primary labral fans of filter-feeding black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) larvae
RW Palmer, DA Craig
Canadian journal of Zoology 78 (2), 199-218, 2000
Isolation of Novel Trypanosomatid, Zelonia australiensis sp. nov. (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) Provides Support for a Gondwanan Origin of Dixenous …
J Barratt, A Kaufer, B Peters, D Craig, A Lawrence, T Roberts, R Lee, ...
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11 (1), e0005215, 2017
Distribution and ecology of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Opunohu river catchment, Moorea, French Polynesia
VH Resh, JR Barnes, DA Craig
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 26 (2-3), 195-214, 1990
Dissolved organic matter as food for black fly larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae)
JJH Ciborowski, DA Craig, KM Fry
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 16 (4), 771-780, 1997
The larvae of Tahitian Simuliidae (Diptera: Nematocera)
DA Craig
Journal of Medical Entomology 12 (4), 463-476, 1975
Some of what you should know about water or, KISS* for Hydrodynamics (* Keeping It Stupidly Simple)
DA Craig
Bull. N. am. benthol. Soc 4, 178-182, 1987
Austroconops Wirth and Lee, a Lower Cretaceous genus of biting midges yet living in Western Australia: a new species, first description of the immatures and discussion of their …
A Borkent, DA Craig
American Museum Novitates 2004 (3449), 1-67, 2004
Mouthparts and feeding behaviour of Tahitian larval Simuliidae (Diptera: Nematocera).
DA Craig
The labrum and cephalic fans of larval Simuliidae (Diptera: Nematocera)
DA Craig
Canadian Journal of Zoology 52 (1), 133-159, 1974
Factors influencing dispersion of larval black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae): effects of current velocity and food concentration
JJH Ciborowski, DA Craig
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46 (8), 1329-1341, 1989
Life history features of some macroinvertebrates in a French Polynesian stream
VH Resh, JR Barnes, B Benis‐Steger, DA Craig
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 27 (2-3), 145-153, 1992
Hydrodynamics of larval black flies.
DA Craig, MM Galloway
Cibarial sensilla and armature in mosquito adults (Diptera: Culicidae)
RMKW Lee, DA Craig
Canadian Journal of Zoology 61 (3), 633-646, 1983
Feeding behavior of aquatic insects: case studies on black fly and mosquito larvae
RW Merritt, DA Craig, RS Wotton, ED Walker
Invertebrate Biology, 206-217, 1996
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Articles 1–20