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Thalamic deep brain stimulation for tremor in Parkinson disease, essential tremor, and dystonia
RG Cury, V Fraix, A Castrioto, MA Pérez Fernández, P Krack, ...
Neurology 89 (13), 1416-1423, 2017
Effects of deep brain stimulation on pain and other nonmotor symptoms in Parkinson disease
RG Cury, R Galhardoni, ET Fonoff, MG dos Santos Ghilardi, F Fonoff, ...
Neurology 83 (16), 1403-1409, 2014
Sensory abnormalities and pain in Parkinson disease and its modulation by treatment of motor symptoms
RG Cury, R Galhardoni, ET Fonoff, S Pérez Lloret, ...
European journal of pain 20 (2), 151-165, 2016
Spinal cord stimulation improves gait in patients with Parkinson's disease previously treated with deep brain stimulation
C Pinto de Souza, C Hamani, C Oliveira Souza, WO Lopez Contreras, ...
Movement Disorders 32 (2), 278-282, 2017
Effects of cerebellar neuromodulation in movement disorders: a systematic review
C França, DC de Andrade, MJ Teixeira, R Galhardoni, V Silva, ...
Brain stimulation 11 (2), 249-260, 2018
The Parkinson disease pain classification system: results from an international mechanism-based classification approach
V Mylius, SP Lloret, RG Cury, MJ Teixeira, VR Barbosa, ER Barbosa, ...
Pain 162 (4), 1201-1210, 2021
Spinal cord stimulation for Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review
EM de Andrade, MG Ghilardi, RG Cury, ER Barbosa, R Fuentes, ...
Neurosurgical review 39, 27-35, 2016
Sleep disorder, chorea, and dementia associated with IgLON5 antibodies
MM Simabukuro, L Sabater, T Adoni, RG Cury, MS Haddad, CH Moreira, ...
Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 2 (4), e136, 2015
Pregabalin for the prevention of oxaliplatin‐induced painful neuropathy: a randomized, double‐blind trial
DC De Andrade, M Jacobsen Teixeira, R Galhardoni, KSL Ferreira, ...
The oncologist 22 (10), 1154-e105, 2017
Deep brain stimulation of the dentate nucleus improves cerebellar ataxia after cerebellar stroke
MJ Teixeira, RG Cury, R Galhardoni, VR Barboza, AR Brunoni, E Alho, ...
Neurology 85 (23), 2075-2076, 2015
Normative data of cortical excitability measurements obtained by transcranial magnetic stimulation in healthy subjects
AS Cueva, R Galhardoni, RG Cury, DC Parravano, G Correa, H Araujo, ...
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 46 (1), 43-51, 2016
Pain in Parkinson's disease: current concepts and a new diagnostic algorithm
V Mylius, D Ciampi de Andrade, RG Cury, M Teepker, U Ehrt, KM Eggert, ...
Movement disorders clinical practice 2 (4), 357-364, 2015
Surgical treatment of dystonia
RG Cury, SK Kalia, BB Shah, J Jimenez-Shahed, LK Prashanth, E Moro
Expert review of neurotherapeutics 18 (6), 477-492, 2018
Beneficial nonmotor effects of subthalamic and pallidal neurostimulation in Parkinson’s disease
HS Dafsari, MG dos Santos Ghilardi, V Visser-Vandewalle, A Rizos, ...
Brain stimulation 13 (6), 1697-1705, 2020
Deep brain stimulation in Tourette’s syndrome: evidence to date
SCB Casagrande, RG Cury, EJL Alho, ET Fonoff
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 1061-1075, 2019
Deep brain stimulation in patients with mutations in Parkinson's disease–related genes: a systematic review
LM de Oliveira, ER Barbosa, CC Aquino, RP Munhoz, A Fasano, RG Cury
Movement disorders clinical practice 6 (5), 359-368, 2019
Subthalamic deep brain stimulation modulates conscious perception of sensory function in Parkinson's disease
RG Cury, R Galhardoni, MJ Teixeira, MG dos Santos Ghilardi, V Silva, ...
Pain 157 (12), 2758-2765, 2016
Effects of cerebellar transcranial magnetic stimulation on ataxias: a randomized trial
C França, DC de Andrade, V Silva, R Galhardoni, ER Barbosa, ...
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 80, 1-6, 2020
Trientine tetrahydrochloride versus penicillamine for maintenance therapy in Wilson disease (CHELATE): a randomised, open-label, non-inferiority, phase 3 trial
ML Schilsky, A Czlonkowska, M Zuin, D Cassiman, C Twardowschy, ...
The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 7 (12), 1092-1102, 2022
Safety and outcomes of dentate nucleus deep brain stimulation for cerebellar ataxia
RG Cury, C França, KP Duarte, I Paraguay, JM Diniz, P Cunha, ...
The Cerebellum, 1-5, 2021
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Articles 1–20