Frank Michael Forger
Frank Michael Forger
Professor Titular, Dept Matemática Aplicada (MAP), Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME), USP
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On the Dual Symmetry of the Non-Linear Sigma Models
H Eichenherr, M Forger
Nuclear Physics B 155 (2), 381-393, 1979
More About Non-Linear Sigma Models on Symmetric Spaces
H Eichenherr, M Forger
Nuclear Physics B 164, 528-535, 1980
Currents and the Energy-Momentum Tensor in Classical Field Theory: A Fresh Look at an Old Problem
M Forger, H Römer
Annals of Physics 309 (2), 306-389, 2004
Homogeneous Kähler Manifolds: Paving the Way towards New Supersymmetric Sigma Models
M Bordemann, M Forger, H Römer
Communications in Mathematical Physics 102 (4), 605-647, 1986
The Poisson Bracket for Poisson Forms in Multisymplectic Field Theory
M Forger, C Paufler, H Römer
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 15, 705-743, 2002
Higher Local Conservation Laws for Nonlinear Sigma Models on Symmetric Spaces
H Eichenherr, M Forger
Communications in Mathematical Physics 82 (2), 227-255, 1981
On the Origin of Anomalies in the Quantum Non-Local Charge for the Generalized Non-Linear Sigma Models
E Abdalla, M Gomes, M Forger
Nuclear Physics B 210 (2), 181-192, 1982
Covariant Poisson Brackets in Geometric Field Theory
M Forger, SV Romero
Communications in Mathematical Physics 256 (2), 375-410, 2005
New Gravitational Instantons and Universal Spin Structures
A Back, PGO Freund, M Forger
Physics Letters B 77 (2), 181-184, 1978
Non-Local Charges for Non-Linear Sigma Models on Grassmann Manifolds
E Abdalla, M Forger, AL Santos
Nuclear Physics B 256, 145-180, 1985
Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking: an Algebraic Approach to the Genetic Code
JEM Hornos, YMM Hornos, M Forger
International Journal of Modern Physics B 13, 2795-2886, 1999
Global Aspects in the Algebraic Approach to the Genetic Code
M Forger, YMM Hornos, JEM Hornos
Physical Review E 56 (6), 7078-7082, 1997
Symmetry in Biology: from the Genetic Code to Stochastic Gene Regulation
AF Ramos, GCP Innocentini, M Forger, JEM Hornos
Systems Biology, IET 4 (5), 311-329, 2010
Hamiltonian Multivector Fields and Poisson Forms in Multisymplectic Field Theory
M Forger, C Paufler, H Römer
Journal of Mathematical Physics 46, 112903 (29 pages), 2005
Lie Superalgebras and the Multiplet Structure of the Genetic Code II - Branching Schemes
M Forger, S Sachse
Journal of Mathematical Physics 41 (8), 5423-5444, 2000
The Lie-Poisson Structure of Integrable Classical Non-Linear Sigma Models
M Bordemann, M Forger, J Laartz, U Schäper
Communications in Mathematical Physics 152 (1), 167-190, 1993
Current Algebra of Classical Non-Linear Sigma Models
M Forger, J Laartz, U Schäper
Communications in Mathematical Physics 146 (2), 397-402, 1992
Multisymplectic and Polysymplectic Structures on Fiber Bundles
M Forger, LG Gomes
Preprint arXiv:0708.1586v2, 2007
Lie Superalgebras and the Multiplet Structure of the Genetic Code I - Codon Representations
M Forger, S Sachse
Journal of Mathematical Physics 41 (8), 5407-5422, 2000
A Poisson Bracket on Multisymplectic Phase Space
M Forger, H Römer
Reports on Mathematical Physics 48 (1), 211-218, 2001
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