Alexandre Bragio Bonaldo
Alexandre Bragio Bonaldo
Pesquisador Titular, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi
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Quantifying the biodiversity value of tropical primary, secondary, and plantation forests
J Barlow, TA Gardner, IS Araújo, TC Ávila-Pires, AB Bonaldo, JE Costa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (47), 18555-18560, 2007
The cost‐effectiveness of biodiversity surveys in tropical forests
TA Gardner, J Barlow, IS Araujo, TC Ávila‐Pires, AB Bonaldo, JE Costa, ...
Ecology letters 11 (2), 139-150, 2008
AD Brescovit, AB Bonaldo, R Bertani, CA Rheims
Amazonian Arachnida and Myriapoda. Pensoft, Sofia, 303-344, 2002
Refining the establishment of guilds in Neotropical spiders (Arachnida: Araneae)
SC Dias, LS Carvalho, AB Bonaldo, AD Brescovit
Journal of Natural History 44 (3-4), 219-239, 2009
Taxonomia da subfamília Corinninae (Araneae, Corinnidae) nas regiões neotropical e neártica
AB Bonaldo
Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 03-148, 2000
Tarsal organ morphology and the phylogeny of goblin spiders (Araneae, Oonopidae), with notes on basal genera
NI Platnick, N Abrahim, F Alvarez-Padilla, D Andriamalala, BC Baehr, ...
American Museum Novitates 2012 (3736), 1-52, 2012
The value of primary, secondary, and plantation forests for Neotropical epigeic arachnids
NF Lo-Man-Hung, TA Gardner, MA Ribeiro-Júnior, J Barlow, AB Bonaldo
The Journal of Arachnology 36 (2), 394-401, 2008
Inventário e história natural dos aracnídeos da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã
AB Bonaldo, LS Carvalho, R Pinto-da-Rocha, AL Tourinho, LT Miglio, ...
Caxiuanã: desafios para a conservação de uma Floresta Nacional na Amazônia, 2009
Macrophyte structural complexity influences spider assemblage attributes in wetlands
ER Cunha, SM Thomaz, RP Mormul, EG Cafofo, AB Bonaldo
Wetlands 32, 369-377, 2012
Ami, a new Theraphosid genus from Central and South America, with the description of six new species (Araneae: Mygalomorphae)
F Perez-Miles, R Gabriel, L Miglio, A Bonaldo
Zootaxa 54 (68), 2008, 2008
Revisión del género Macerio y comentarios sobre la ubicación de Cheiracanthium, Tecution y Helebiona (Araneae, Miturgidae, Eutichurinae)
MJ Ramírez, AB Bonaldo, AD Brescovit
Iheringia (Zoologia) 82, 43-66, 1997
Diversidade e estimativas de riqueza de aranhas em quatro fitofisionomias na Serra do Cachimbo, Pará, Brasil
J Ricetti, AB Bonaldo
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 98, 88-99, 2008
A structured inventory of harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones) at Juruti River plateau, State of Pará, Brazil.
R Pinto-da-Rocha, AB Bonaldo
Grupo Ibérico de Aracnologia (GIA), 2006
Species richness and community structure of arboreal spider assemblages in fragments of three vegetational types at Banhado Grande wet plain, Gravataí River, Rio Grande do Sul …
AB Bonaldo, MAL Marques, R Pinto-da-Rocha, T Gardner
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 97, 143-151, 2007
As aranhas do gênero Cheiracanthium CL Koch, 1839 na região neotropical (Araneae, Clubionidae)
AB Bonaldo, AD Brescovit
Revista brasileira de entomologia 36 (4), 731-740, 1992
A subfamília Eutichurinae na região neotropical, com a revisão do gênero Eutichurus Simon, 1896 (Araneae, Miturgidae)
AB Bonaldo
Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, 1994
A structured inventory of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) in natural and artificial forest gaps at Porto Urucu, Western Brazilian Amazonia
AB Bonaldo, SC Dias
Acta Amazonica 40, 357-372, 2010
A revision of the Neotropical goblin spider genus Neoxyphinus Birabén, 1953 (Araneae, Oonopidae)
N Abrahim, AD Brescovit, CA Rheims, AJ Santos, R Ott, AB Bonaldo
American Museum Novitates 2012 (3743), 1-75, 2012
Arachnida at'Reserva Ducke', Central AmazoniaIBrazil
J Adis, AB Bonaldo, AD Brescovit, R Bertani, JC Cokendolpher, B Condé, ...
Volume 17, fascículo 1/2, 2002, página 1-14, 2002
The Brazilian goblin spiders of the new genus Predatoroonops (Araneae: Oonopidae)
AD Brescovit, AB Bonaldo, AJ Santos, R Ott, CA Rheims
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2012 (370), 1-68, 2012
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