Giacomo Cappellini
Giacomo Cappellini
CNR - INO Istituto Nazionale di Ottica
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Observation of chiral edge states with neutral fermions in synthetic Hall ribbons
M Mancini, G Pagano, G Cappellini, L Livi, M Rider, J Catani, C Sias, ...
Science 349 (6255), 1510-1513, 2015
A one-dimensional liquid of fermions with tunable spin
G Pagano, M Mancini, G Cappellini, P Lombardi, F Schäfer, H Hu, XJ Liu, ...
Nature Physics 10 (3), 198-201, 2014
Synthetic dimensions and spin-orbit coupling with an optical clock transition
LF Livi, G Cappellini, M Diem, L Franchi, C Clivati, M Frittelli, F Levi, ...
Physical review letters 117 (22), 220401, 2016
Direct observation of coherent interorbital spin-exchange dynamics
G Cappellini, M Mancini, G Pagano, P Lombardi, L Livi, ...
Physical review letters 113 (12), 120402, 2014
Strongly interacting gas of two-electron fermions at an orbital Feshbach resonance
G Pagano, M Mancini, G Cappellini, L Livi, C Sias, J Catani, M Inguscio, ...
Physical review letters 115 (26), 265301, 2015
Measuring absolute frequencies beyond the GPS limit via long-haul optical frequency dissemination
C Clivati, G Cappellini, LF Livi, F Poggiali, MS De Cumis, M Mancini, ...
Optics express 24 (11), 11865-11875, 2016
State-dependent interactions in ultracold 174Yb probed by optical clock spectroscopy
L Franchi, LF Livi, G Cappellini, G Binella, M Inguscio, J Catani, L Fallani
New Journal of Physics 19 (10), 103037, 2017
Flavour-selective localization in interacting lattice fermions
D Tusi, L Franchi, LF Livi, K Baumann, D Benedicto Orenes, L Del Re, ...
Nature Physics 18 (10), 1201-1205, 2022
Coherent manipulation of orbital Feshbach molecules of two-electron atoms
G Cappellini, LF Livi, L Franchi, D Tusi, D Benedicto Orenes, M Inguscio, ...
Physical Review X 9 (1), 011028, 2019
Observation of universal Hall response in strongly interacting Fermions
TW Zhou, G Cappellini, D Tusi, L Franchi, J Parravicini, C Repellin, ...
Science 381 (6656), 427-430, 2023
A compact ultranarrow high-power laser system for experiments with 578 nm ytterbium clock transition
G Cappellini, P Lombardi, M Mancini, G Pagano, M Pizzocaro, L Fallani, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (7), 2015
Two-orbital quantum physics in Yb Fermi gases exploiting the 1S0-> 3P0 clock transition
G Cappellini
A New Programmable Quantum Simulator with Strontium Rydberg Atoms in Optical Tweezer Arrays
V Gavryusev, L Guariento, V Giardini, A Fantini, S Storm, J Catani, ...
Quantum 2.0, QTh2A. 2, 2024
The road from the Hall effect to chiral currents in strongly interacting fermions
J Mellado-Muñoz, T Zhou, G Cappellini, T Beller, G Masini, J Parravicini, ...
Icap 2024, 492-492, 2024
Strongly interacting lattice fermions with coherent state manipulation: from universal Hall response to Hall voltage measurement
T Zhou, G Cappellini, D Tusi, L Franchi, T Beller, G Masini, J Parravicini, ...
Bose-Einstein Condensation 2023 Report of Contributions, 8-8, 2023
Observation of strongly interacting Fermi gases and orbital Feshbach molecules of Ytterbium atoms
G Cappellini, L Livi, L Franchi, M Inguscio, J Catani, L Fallani
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2018 …, 2018
Realization of strongly interacting Fermi gases and spin-orbit coupled systems with an optical clock transition
G Cappellini, LF Livi, L Franchi, J Catani, M Inguscio, L Fallani
European Quantum Electronics Conference, EC_1_4, 2017
Absolute Frequency Measurement of the 173Yb Clock Transition via a 642-km Fiber Link
C Clivati, G Cappellini, L Livi, F Poggiali, M SICILIANI DE CUMIS, ...
EFTF 2016, 2016
Direct Observation of Coherent Interorbital Spin-Exchange Dynamics (vol 113, 120402, 2014)
G Cappellini, M Mancini, G Pagano, P Lombardi, L Livi, MS de Cumis, ...
Observation of chiral edge states with fermionic atoms in a synthetic Hall ribbon
G Pagano, M Mancini, G Cappellini, L Livi, C Sias, J Catani, M Rider, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2015 …, 2015
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