Max Jáuregui
Cited by
Cited by
Characterizing time series via complexity-entropy curves
HV Ribeiro, M Jauregui, L Zunino, EK Lenzi
Physical review E 95 (6), 062106, 2017
New representations of π and Dirac delta using the nonextensive-statistical-mechanics q-exponential function
M Jauregui, C Tsallis
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (6), 2010
q-Generalization of the inverse Fourier transform
M Jauregui, C Tsallis
Physics Letters A 375 (21), 2085-2088, 2011
Characterization of time series via Rényi complexity–entropy curves
M Jauregui, L Zunino, EK Lenzi, RS Mendes, HV Ribeiro
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 498, 74-85, 2018
q-moments remove the degeneracy associated with the inversion of the q-Fourier transform
M Jauregui, C Tsallis, EMF Curado
arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.2690, 2011
Random walks associated with nonlinear fokker–planck equations
R dos Santos Mendes, EK Lenzi, LC Malacarne, S Picoli, M Jauregui
Entropy 19 (4), 155, 2017
Anomalous diffusion behavior in parliamentary presence
DS Vieira, JME Riveros, M Jauregui, RS Mendes
Physical Review E 99 (4), 042141, 2019
Stationary solution and theorem for a generalized Fokker-Planck equation
M Jauregui, ALF Lucchi, JHY Passos, RS Mendes
Physical Review E 104 (3), 034130, 2021
Convergence of the probability of large deviations in a model of correlated random variables having compact-support Q-Gaussians as limiting distributions
M Jauregui, C Tsallis
Journal of Mathematical Physics 56 (2), 2015
On the role of q-Fourier transform on physical complexity
M Jauregui, C Tsallis
preprint 1010, 2010
Paradoxical probabilistic behavior for strongly correlated many-body classical systems
M Jauregui, C Tsallis
Physics Letters A 379 (32-33), 1816-1820, 2015
Grandes desvios e independência assintótica em sistemas fortemente correlacionados
M Jáuregui
Rio de Janeiro: Tese de Doutorado, CBPF, 2015
Law of large numbers and q-Gaussian limiting distributions with compact support (q< 1)
M Jauregui, C Tsallis
arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.7327, 2014
Independencia estocástica asintótica en un sistema fuertemente correlacionado que crece
M Jáuregui, C Tsallis
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Articles 1–14