Monique Nouailhetas Simon
Monique Nouailhetas Simon
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Upper thermal tolerance plasticity in tropical amphibian species from contrasting habitats: Implications for warming impact prediction
MN Simon, PL Ribeiro, CA Navas
Journal of thermal biology 48, 36-44, 2015
Correlational selection in the age of genomics
EI Svensson, SJ Arnold, R Bürger, K Csilléry, J Draghi, JM Henshaw, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 5 (5), 562-573, 2021
High evolutionary constraints limited adaptive responses to past climate changes in toad skulls
MN Simon, FA Machado, G Marroig
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283 (1841), 2016
El estudio de las tolerancias térmicas para el examen de hipótesis biogeográficas y de la vulnerabilidad de los organismos ante el calentamiento global. Ejemplos en anfíbios
M Tejedo, H Duarte, LM Gutiérrez-Pesquera, JF Beltrán, M Katzenberger, ...
Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 23 (2), 1-27, 2012
Evolution of a complex phenotype with biphasic ontogeny: contribution of development versus function and climatic variation to skull modularity in toads
MN Simon, G Marroig
Ecology and Evolution 7 (24), 10752-10769, 2017
Landmark precision and reliability and accuracy of linear distances estimated by using 3D computed micro-tomography and the open-source TINA Manual Landmarking Tool software
MN Simon, G Marroig
Frontiers in Zoology 12, 1-13, 2015
Persistent activation of Akt or ERK prevents the toxicity induced by saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in RINm5F β-cells
MN Simon, AK Azevedo-Martins, AM Amanso, CRO Carvalho, R Curi
Toxicology in Vitro 22 (4), 1018-1024, 2008
Plasticidade fenotípica em relação à temperatura de larvas de Rhinella (Anura: Bufonidae) da caatinga e da floresta Atlântica
MN Simon
Universidade de São Paulo, 2010
Beyond Janzen's hypothesis: How amphibians that climb tropical mountains respond to climate variation
RP Bovo, MN Simon, DB Provete, M Lyra, CA Navas, DV Andrade
Integrative Organismal Biology 5 (1), obad009, 2023
Bite performance surfaces of three ecologically divergent Iguanidae lizards: relationships with lower jaw bones
MN Simon, R Brandt, T Kohlsdorf, SJ Arnold
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127 (4), 810-825, 2019
Sex-specific multivariate morphology/performance relationships in Anolis carolinensis
MN Simon, AM Cespedes, SP Lailvaux
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (8), jeb243471, 2022
Development and function explain the modular evolution of phalanges in gecko lizards
PS Rothier, MN Simon, G Marroig, A Herrel, T Kohlsdorf
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1966), 20212300, 2022
Detecting patterns of correlational selection with sampling error: A simulation study
MN Simon, G Marroig, SJ Arnold
Evolution 76 (2), 207-224, 2022
Copulatory function and development shape modular architecture of genitalia differently in males and females
BC Genevcius, MN Simon, T Moraes, CF Schwertner
Evolution 74 (6), 1048-1062, 2020
Bridging performance and adaptive landscapes to understand long-term functional evolution
MN Simon, DS Moen
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 96 (4), 304-320, 2023
Acomodação fenotípica e acomodação genética: evidências e questões não resolvidas em macroevolução
MN Simon
Revista da Biologia 6, 1-5, 2010
Functional modularity and mechanical stress shape plastic responses during fish development
L Lofeu, F Montefeltro, MN Simon, T Kohlsdorf
Evolution, qpae086, 2024
Can extreme climatic events induce shifts in adaptive potential? A conceptual framework and empirical test with Anolis lizards
MN Simon, PS Rothier, CM Donihue, A Herrel, JJ Kolbe
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 36 (1), 195-208, 2023
Functional Frogs
G Flud, J Angle, MN Simon, DS Moen
The American Biology Teacher 85 (8), 2023
Functional Frogs: Using Swimming Performance as a Model to Understand Natural Selection and Adaptations
G Flud, J Angle, MN Simon, DS Moen
The American Biology Teacher 85 (8), 448-453, 2023
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