Vagner Anabor
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Surface layer turbulence parameters over a complex terrain
OLL Moraes, OC Acevedo, GA Degrazia, D Anfossi, R da Silva, V Anabor
Atmospheric Environment 39 (17), 3103-3112, 2005
Serial upstream-propagating mesoscale convective system events over southeastern South America
V Anabor, DJ Stensrud, OLL De Moraes
Monthly weather review 136 (8), 3087-3105, 2008
Atmospheric boundary layer adjustment to the synoptic cycle at the Brazil‐Malvinas Confluence, South Atlantic Ocean
OC Acevedo, LP Pezzi, RB Souza, V Anabor, GA Degrazia
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D22), 2010
Measurements of the total ozone column using a Brewer spectrophotometer and TOMS and OMI satellite instruments over the Southern Space Observatory in Brazil
L Vaz Peres, H Bencherif, N Mbatha, A Passaglia Schuch, AM Toihir, ...
Annales Geophysicae 35 (1), 25-37, 2017
Large-eddy simulation of a microburst
V Anabor, U Rizza, EL Nascimento, GA Degrazia
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (17), 9323-9331, 2011
Investigating the long-range transport of aerosol plumes following the Amazon fires (August 2019): a multi-instrumental approach from ground-based and satellite observations
H Bencherif, N Bègue, D Kirsch Pinheiro, DJ Du Preez, JM Cadet, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (22), 3846, 2020
Simulation of a serial upstream-propagating mesoscale convective system event over southeastern South America using composite initial conditions
V Anabor, DJ Stensrud, OLL de Moraes
Monthly Weather Review 137 (7), 2144-2163, 2009
Evaluation of nocturnal temperature forecasts provided by the weather research and forecast model for different stability regimes and terrain characteristics
A Battisti, OC Acevedo, FD Costa, FS Puhales, V Anabor, GA Degrazia
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 162, 523-546, 2017
Large‐eddy simulation of the planetary boundary layer under baroclinic conditions during daytime and sunset turbulence
U Rizza, MM Miglietta, OC Acevedo, V Anabor, GA Degrazia, AG Goulart, ...
Meteorological Applications 20 (1), 56-71, 2013
Surface-to-atmosphere exchange in a river valley environment
OC Acevedo, OLL Moraes, R Da Silva, V Anabor, DP Bittencourt, ...
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 46 (8), 1169-1181, 2007
Integrated damage, visual, remote sensing, and environmental analysis of a strong tornado in southern Brazil
MI Oliveira, FS Puhales, EL Nascimento, V Anabor
Atmospheric Research 274, 106188, 2022
WRF-Chem simulation of a saharan dust outbreak over the mediterranean regions.
U Rizza, V Anabor, C Mangia, MM Miglietta, GA Degrazia, G Passerini
Ciência e Natura 38, 330-336, 2016
Caracterização sinótica do evento de Efeito Secundário do Buraco de Ozônio Antártico sobre o Sul do Brasil do dia 14/10/2008
LV Peres, E Kall, NM Crespo, JL Fontinele, V Anabor, DK Pinheiro, ...
Ciência e Natura, 323-326, 2011
How is the two-regime stable boundary layer reproduced by the different turbulence parametrizations in the weather research and forecasting model?
R Maroneze, OC Acevedo, FD Costa, FS Puhales, V Anabor, DN Lemes, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 178, 383-413, 2021
Sistemas convectivos de mesoescala no sul da América do sul: propagação em série contra o escoamento em baixos níveis
V Anabor
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2008
Forecasting upper atmospheric scalars advection using deep learning: an experiment
LA Steffenel, V Anabor, D Kirsch Pinheiro, L Guzman, ...
Machine learning 112 (3), 765-788, 2023
Some mean atmospheric characteristics for snowfall occurrences in southern Brazil
JM Mintegui, FS Puhales, NT Boiaski, EL Nascimento, V Anabor
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 131, 389-412, 2019
Developing an MCS index using the climatology of South America
G Rasera, V Anabor, F Scremin Puhales, E Dal Piva
Meteorological Applications 25 (3), 394-405, 2018
Low-level atmospheric flow at the central north coast of Brazil
LE Medeiros, G Fisch, OC Acevedo, FD Costa, PG Iriart, V Anabor, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 180 (2), 289-317, 2021
Monitoramento de longo prazo e climatologia de campos estratosféricos quando da ocorrência dos eventos de influência do buraco de ozônio antártico sobre o sul do Brasil
LV Peres, DK Pinheiro, LA Steffenel, D Mendes, JV Bageston, ...
Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 34, 151-163, 2019
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Articles 1–20