Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics): Preface M Abe, K Aoki, G Ateniese, R Avanzi, Z Beerliová, O Billet, A Biryukov, ... Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in …, 2006 | 286* | 2006 |
Extending the Curry-Howard interpretation to linear, relevant and other resource logics1 DM Gabbay, RJGB De Queiroz The Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (4), 1319-1365, 1992 | 96 | 1992 |
The functional interpretation of logical deduction RJGB de Queiroz, AG de Oliveira, DM Gabbay World Scientific, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
Equality in labelled deductive systems and the functional interpretation of propositional equality R de Queiroz, DM Gabbay Proceedings of the 9th Amsterdam Colloquium, 547-546, 1994 | 25 | 1994 |
The functional interpretation of the existential quantifier RJGB de Queiroz, DM Gabbay Oxford University Press 3 (2-3), 243-290, 1995 | 24 | 1995 |
A educação do futuro: uma reflexão sobre aprendizagem na era digital PD Scaico, RJGB de Queiroz Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
A normalization procedure for the equational fragment of labelled natural deduction AG De Oliveira, RJGB De Queiroz Logic Journal of IGPL 7 (2), 173-215, 1999 | 22 | 1999 |
A Proof‐Theoretic Account of Programming and the Role of Reduction Rules RJGB De Queiroz Dialectica 42 (4), 265-282, 1988 | 22 | 1988 |
O conceito big data na educação PD Scaico, RJGB de Queiroz, A Scaico anais do workshop de informática na escola 20 (1), 328-336, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Natural deduction for equality: The missing entity RJGB de Queiroz, AG de Oliveira Advances in Natural Deduction: A Celebration of Dag Prawitz's Work, 63-91, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Propositional equality, identity types, and direct computational paths RJGB de Queiroz, AG de Oliveira arXiv preprint arXiv:1107.1901, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Labelled natural deduction RJGB De Queiroz, DM Gabbay Logic, Language and Reasoning: Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, 173-250, 1999 | 18 | 1999 |
Term rewriting systems with labelled deductive systems AG de Oliveira, R de Queiroz Proceedings of Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SBIA’94), 59-72, 1994 | 18 | 1994 |
A proposal to prevent click-fraud using clickable captchas RA Costa, RJGB de Queiroz, ER Cavalcanti 2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Security and …, 2012 | 17 | 2012 |
Geometry of deduction via graphs of proofs AG de Oliveira, RJGB de Queiroz Logic for concurrency and synchronisation, 3-88, 2003 | 17 | 2003 |
On reduction rules, meaning-as-use, and proof-theoretic semantics RJGB De Queiroz Studia Logica 90, 211-247, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
On the identity type as the type of computational paths AF Ramos, RJGB De Queiroz, AG De Oliveira Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4), 562-584, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Normalisation and Language‐Games1 RJGB de Queiroz Dialectica 48 (2), 83-123, 1994 | 15 | 1994 |
The functional interpretation of modal necessity RJGB De Queiroz, DM Gabbay Advances in Intensional Logic, 61-91, 1997 | 14 | 1997 |
An introduction to labelled natural deduction R De Queiroz, D Gabbay 3rd Adv. Sum. Sch. in AI. Available from theory. doc. ic. ac. uk, file named …, 1992 | 14 | 1992 |