Jessi Cisewski-Kehe
Jessi Cisewski-Kehe
Assistant Professor of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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A survey of spatial extremes: Measuring spatial dependence and modeling spatial effects
D Cooley, J Cisewski, RJ Erhardt, S Jeon, E Mannshardt, BO Omolo, ...
REVSTAT-Statistical Journal 10 (1), 135-165, 2012
cosmoabc: likelihood-free inference via population Monte Carlo approximate Bayesian computation
EEO Ishida, SDP Vitenti, M Penna-Lima, J Cisewski, RS de Souza, ...
Astronomy and Computing 13, 1-11, 2015
Insights on the Spectral Signatures of Stellar Activity and Planets from PCA
AB Davis, J Cisewski, X Dumusque, DA Fischer, EB Ford
The Astrophysical Journal 846 (1), 59, 2017
Functional summaries of persistence diagrams
E Berry, YC Chen, J Cisewski-Kehe, BT Fasy
Journal of Applied and Computational Topology 4 (2), 211-262, 2020
Support vector machine classification of suspect powders using laser‐induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) spectral data
J Cisewski, E Snyder, J Hannig, L Oudejans
Journal of Chemometrics 26 (5), 143-149, 2012
Finding cosmic voids and filament loops using topological data analysis
X Xu, J Cisewski-Kehe, SB Green, D Nagai
Astronomy and Computing 27, 34-52, 2019
The Role of Machine Learning in the Next Decade of Cosmology
M Ntampaka, C Avestruz, S Boada, J Caldeira, J Cisewski-Kehe, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.10159, 2019
Generalized fiducial inference for normal linear mixed models
J Cisewski, J Hannig
The Annals of Statistics 40 (4), 2102-2127, 2012
The EXPRES Stellar Signals Project II. State of the Field in Disentangling Photospheric Velocities
LL Zhao, DA Fischer, EB Ford, A Wise, M Cretignier, S Aigrain, ...
The Astronomical Journal 163 (4), 171, 2022
The Eccentricity Distribution of Short-Period Planet Candidates Detected by Kepler in Occultation
M Shabram, BO Demory, J Cisewski, EB Ford, L Rogers
The Astrophysical Journal 820 (2), 93, 2016
Non-parametric 3D map of the intergalactic medium using the Lyman-alpha forest
J Cisewski, RAC Croft, PE Freeman, CR Genovese, N Khandai, M Ozbek, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 440 (3), 2599-2609, 2014
Adaptive approximate Bayesian computation tolerance selection
U Simola, J Cisewski-Kehe, MU Gutmann, J Corander
Bayesian analysis 16 (2), 397-423, 2021
Modeling the Echelle Spectra Continuum with Alpha Shapes and Local Regression Fitting
X Xu, J Cisewski-Kehe, AB Davis, DA Fischer, JM Brewer
The Astronomical Journal 157 (6), 243, 2019
Measuring precise radial velocities and cross-correlation function line-profile variations using a Skew Normal density
U Simola, X Dumusque, J Cisewski-Kehe
Astronomy & Astrophysics 622, A131, 2019
Incorporating Uncertainties in Atomic Data Into the Analysis of Solar and Stellar Observations: A Case Study in Fe XIII
X Yu, G Del Zanna, DC Stenning, J Cisewski-Kehe, VL Kashyap, N Stein, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 866 (2), 146, 2018
Trend filtering–I. A modern statistical tool for time-domain astronomy and astronomical spectroscopy
CA Politsch, J Cisewski-Kehe, RAC Croft, L Wasserman
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492 (3), 4005-4018, 2020
Exploratory analysis of exercise adherence patterns with sedentary pregnant women
SA Yeo, J Cisewski, EF Lock, JS Marron
Nursing research 59 (4), 280-287, 2010
Standards for modest Bayesian credences
J Cisewski, JB Kadane, MJ Schervish, T Seidenfeld, R Stern
Philosophy of Science 85 (1), 53-78, 2018
The Next Decade of Astroinformatics and Astrostatistics
A Siemiginowska, G Eadie, I Czekala, E Feigelson, EB Ford, V Kashyap, ...
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51 (3), 2019
Sleeping Beauty’s Credences
J Cisewski, JB Kadane, MJ Schervish, T Seidenfeld, R Stern
Philosophy of Science 83 (3), 324-347, 2016
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Articles 1–20