Jimmy Valverde-Sanchez
Jimmy Valverde-Sanchez
Estudante de Mestrado na UFRGS
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Cited by
Empowering Mobile Users: Create Your Own Mobile Application for Data Collection in the Cloud
AF da Conceição, JV Sánchez, AH Mamani-Aliaga, BG dos Santos, ...
Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services: 5th International Conference …, 2014
Open architecture for mobile data collection using cloud computing
AF da Conceicao, J Sanchez, T Barabasz, A Mamani-Aliaga, ...
2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Data Management 2, 160-165, 2013
Projeto maritaca: Arquitetura e infraestrutura para coleta móvel de dados usando smartphones
BG dos Santos, AH Mamani-Aliaga, JV Sánchez, MF Mendonça, ...
Proceedings of the 31 Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e …, 2013
Prevalence and incidence of tuberculosis infection and disease among household contacts exposed to rifampin-resistant/multidrug resistant tuberculosis (RR/MDR-TB)
A Gupta, X Wu, S Kim, L Naini, M Hughes, R Dawson, S Gaikwad, ...
Journal of the International AIDS Society 23, 20-21, 2020
Performance evaluation of multiple cloud data centers allocations for hpc
E Roloff, E Diaz Carreño, JKM Valverde-Sánchez, M Diener, ...
High Performance Computing: Third Latin American Conference, CARLA 2016 …, 2017
Feasibility of identifying household contacts of rifampin-and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cases at high risk of progression to tuberculosis disease.
AG Amita Gupta, S Swindells, KSY Kim SoYeon, MD Hughes, L Naini, ...
Análise distribuída em dados meteorol ógicos utilizando o modelo de atores
JKM Valverde-Sánchez, O Carvalho, E Roloff, N Maillard
Workshop em Clouds e Aplicações (WCGA), 2017
Performance Evaluation of Multiple Cloud Data Centers Allocations for HPC
JKM Valverde-Sánchez, M Diener, M da Silva Serpa, G Houzeaux, ...
High Performance Computing: Third Latin American Conference, CARLA 2016 …, 2017
Distributed data analysis over meteorological datasets using the actor model
JKMV Sanchez
Pipeline architecture for mobile data analysis
AF Conceiçao, JV Sánchez, BG dos Santos, D Vieira, V Rocha
The International Conference on Information Networking 2014 (ICOIN2014), 492-496, 2014
Ferramentas para Coleta Móvel de Dados
A Mamani-Aliaga, B Santos, J Sánchez, T Barabasz, M Mendonça, ...
Anais do IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, 146-157, 2013
A Replication Plan For
DV Havlir, MA Kendall, P Ive, J Kumwenda, S Swindells, SS Qasba, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 365, 1482-1491, 2011
HPC Infrastructure and Applications
P Verghelet, E Mocskos, E Roloff, ED Carreño, JKM Valverde-Sánchez, ...
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Articles 1–13