Anthonieta Looman Mafra
Anthonieta Looman Mafra
Postdoctoral fellow at USP
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An evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic and perceived social distancing policies in relation to planning, selecting, and preparing healthy meals: an observational study in 38 …
C De Backer, L Teunissen, I Cuykx, P Decorte, S Pabian, S Gerritsen, ...
Frontiers in nutrition 7, 621726, 2021
Makeup usage in women as a tactic to attract mates and compete with rivals
AL Mafra, MAC Varella, RP Defelipe, NM Anchieta, CAG de Almeida, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 163, 110042, 2020
Coping strategies in captive capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.)
RG Ferreira, M Mendl, PGC Wagner, T Araujo, D Nunes, AL Mafra
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 176, 120-127, 2016
The contrasting effects of body image and self-esteem in the makeup usage
AL Mafra, CSA Silva, MAC Varella, JV Valentova
PLoS One 17 (3), e0265197, 2022
Investment in beauty, exercise, and self-esteem: Are they related to self-perception as a romantic partner?
AL Mafra, FN Castro, FA Lopes
Evolutionary Psychological Science 2, 24-31, 2016
Family still matters: Human social motivation across 42 countries during a global pandemic
CM Pick, A Ko, AS Wormley, A Wiezel, DT Kenrick, L Al-Shawaf, O Barry, ...
Evolution and human behavior 43 (6), 527-535, 2022
“Am I good enough for you?” Features related to self-perception and self-esteem of Brazilians from different socioeconomic status
AL Mafra, FA Lopes
Psychology 2014, 2014
Makeup and its application simulation affect women’s self-perceptions
NM Anchieta, AL Mafra, RT Hokama, MAC Varella, JA Melo, LO da Silva, ...
Archives of Sexual Behavior 50 (8), 3777-3784, 2021
The corona cooking survey study group an evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic and perceived social distancing policies in relation to planning, selecting, and preparing healthy …
C De Backer, L Teunissen, I Cuykx, P Decorte, S Pabian, S Gerritsen, ...
Front. Nutr 7, 621726, 2021
Enhancing the evolutionary science of self-presentation modification
JV Valentova, AL Mafra, MAC Varella
Archives of Sexual Behavior 51 (1), 79-84, 2022
Evidência da invariância fatorial e validade convergente da escala de suporte organizacional: Estudo com trabalhadores brasileiros.
NS Formiga, ALBB Miranda, IT Araújo, STG Pastana, AL Mafra
Boletim. Academia Paulista de Psicologia 38, 27 - 35, 2018
Fundamental social motives measured across forty-two cultures in two waves
CM Pick, A Ko, DT Kenrick, A Wiezel, AS Wormley, E Awad, L Al-Shawaf, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 499, 2022
To eat or not to eat meat: How vegetarian dietary choices influence our social lives
C De Backer, J Dare, L Costello
Rowman & Littlefield, 2019
Does mate preference represent mate choice? A cross-cultural investigation.
AL Mafra, ML Fisher, FA Lopes
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences 15 (1), 64, 2021
Suporte organizacional, engajamento e espiritualidade no trabalho: verificação empírica de um modelo teórico concorrente em organizações brasileiras
NS Formiga, IT Araújo, BF Oliveira, STG Pastana, ALBB Miranda, ...
Boletim-Academia Paulista de Psicologia 39 (97), 247-259, 2019
Investigating Object Orientation Effects Across 18 Languages
SC Chen, EM Buchanan, Z Kekecs, JK Miller, A Szabelska, B Aczel, ...
OSF, 2018
Mate value, intrasexual competition and sociosexual desire drive Brazilian women's well-being
AL Mafra, RP Defelipe, MAC Varella, JM Townsend, JV Valentova
Evolutionary Human Sciences 3, e25, 2021
Investigating object orientation effects across 18 languages. PsyArXiv
S Chen, EM Buchanan, Z Kekecs, JK Miller, A Szabelska, B Aczel, ...
Female Orgasm
CSA da Silva, AL Mafra, J Varella Valentova
Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior, 1-15, 2023
Female mate choice (intersexual selection)
AL Mafra
Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science, 3022-3024, 2021
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