Eesha Sharma
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Cited by
Financial deprivation prompts consumers to seek scarce goods
E Sharma, AL Alter
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (3), 545-560, 2012
Consumer vulnerability
RP Hill, E Sharma
Journal of Consumer Psychology 30 (3), 551-570, 2020
Financial deprivation selectively shifts moral standards and compromises moral decisions
E Sharma, N Mazar, AL Alter, D Ariely
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 123 (2), 90-100, 2014
Saving the masses: The impact of perceived efficacy on charitable giving to single vs. multiple beneficiaries
E Sharma, VG Morwitz
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 135, 45-54, 2016
Framing charitable donations as exceptional expenses increases giving.
AB Sussman, E Sharma, AL Alter
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 21 (2), 130, 2015
Too constrained to converse: The effect of financial constraints on word of mouth
A Paley, SM Tully, E Sharma
Journal of Consumer Research 45 (5), 889-905, 2019
Positive fantasies dampen charitable giving when many resources are demanded
HB Kappes, E Sharma, G Oettingen
Journal of Consumer Psychology 23 (1), 128-135, 2013
Context-dependent drivers of discretionary debt decisions: Explaining willingness to borrow for experiential purchases
SM Tully, E Sharma
Journal of Consumer Research 44 (5), 960-973, 2018
Psychological ownership of (borrowed) money
E Sharma, S Tully, C Cryder
Journal of Marketing Research 58 (3), 497-514, 2021
Psychological ownership interventions increase interest in claiming government benefits
W De La Rosa, E Sharma, SM Tully, E Giannella, G Rino
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (35), e2106357118, 2021
Consumer wealth
SM Tully, E Sharma
Consumer Psychology Review 5 (1), 125-143, 2022
Spending and happiness: The role of perceived financial constraints
RS Dias, E Sharma, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Consumer Research 49 (3), 373-388, 2022
A penny saved is not a penny earned: When decisions to earn and save compete for consumer resources
E Sharma, PA Keller
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 2 (1), 64-77, 2017
Scarcity and intertemporal choice.
E Sharma, SM Tully, X Wang
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2023
Financial insecurity and deprivation
E Fischer
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (5), vii-x, 2013
Becoming a Saver: Benefits, Obstacles, and Aids.
E Sharma, AB Sussman
Advances in Consumer Research 42, 2014
Psychological Ownership as an Intervention: Addressing the Government Benefits Participation Gap
W De La Rosa, E Sharma, S Tully, E Gianella, G Rino
Advances in Consumer Research 49, 318-319, 2021
Quality-Quantity Tradeoffs in Consumption
RS Dias, E Sharma, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Consumer Research, ucae059, 2024
Perceived Financial Constraints and Purchase Happiness
R Dias, E Sharma, G Fitzsimons
Advances in Consumer Research 49, 484-484, 2021
Rethinking the Stability of Consumer Impatience: How Consumer Intertemporal Preferences Vary Across Types of Goods and Decision Contexts
O Urminsky, J Trueblood
Advances in Consumer Research 47, 309-314, 2019
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Articles 1–20