Introdução à Física Estatıstica SRA Salinas
EDUSP, Sao Paulo, 1997
529 * 1997 The physics of lyotropic liquid crystals: phase transitions and structural properties AMF Neto, SRA Salinas
Oxford University Press on Demand, 2005
405 2005 The physics of ferroelectrics-a modern perspective AMF Neto, SRA Salinas
Springer, 2007
262 2007 Ising model with competing axial interactions in the presence of a field: A mean-field treatment CSO Yokoi, MD Coutinho-Filho, SR Salinas
Physical Review B 24 (7), 4047, 1981
149 1981 Special issue on nonextensive statistical mechanics and thermodynamic SRA Salinas, C Tsallis
Braz. J. Phys 29 (1), 1999
117 1999 Strange attractor in the Ising model with competing interactions on the Cayley tree CSO Yokoi, MJ de Oliveira, SR Salinas
Physical review letters 54 (3), 163, 1985
103 1985 Einstein e a teoria do movimento browniano SRA Salinas
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 27 (2), 263-269, 2005
97 2005 Anisotropic ferromagnetic quantum domains FC Alcaraz, SR Salinas, WF Wreszinski
Physical review letters 75 (5), 930, 1995
95 1995 Theory of the phase transition in the layered hydrogen-bonded Sn · 2 O crystal SR Salinas, JF Nagle
Physical Review B 9 (11), 4920, 1974
88 1974 Fourth-order cumulants to characterize the phase transitions of a spin-1 Ising model SH Tsai, SR Salinas
Brazilian journal of physics 28 (1), 58-65, 1998
75 1998 Renormalization-group calculations for a mixed-spin Ising model SGA Quadros, SR Salinas
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 206 (3-4), 479-496, 1994
65 1994 Magnetic phase diagram of Ni ·6 O: The low-temperature canted-paramagnetic boundary and the bicritical point NF Oliveira Jr, A Paduan Filho, SR Salinas, CC Becerra
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55 1977 First-order transition in a spin-glass model FA da Costa, CSO Yokoi, SRA Salinas
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27 (10), 3365, 1994
54 1994 On the mean-field Ising model in a random external field SR Salinas, WF Wreszinski
Journal of statistical physics 41 (1), 299-313, 1985
52 1985 Comment on the mean-field phase diagram of the spin-1 Ising model in a random crystal field CEI Carneiro, VB Henriques, SR Salinas
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1 (23), 3687, 1989
43 1989 Dimer pair correlations on the brick lattice CSO Yokoi, JF Nagle, SR Salinas
Journal of statistical physics 44 (5), 729-747, 1986
41 1986 Statistical models of mixtures with a biaxial nematic phase E Do Carmo, DB Liarte, SR Salinas
Physical Review E 81 (6), 062701, 2010
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37 1984