Marcelo Ramos Martins
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Application of Bayesian Belief Networks to the Human Reliability Analysis of an Oil Tanker Operation Focusing on Collision Accidents
M Ramos Martins, M Coelho Maturana
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2012
Human error contribution in collision and grounding of oil tankers
MR Martins, MC Maturana
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 30 (4), 674-698, 2010
Quantitative risk analysis of loading and offloading liquefied natural gas (LNG) on a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU)
MR Martins, MA Pestana, GFM Souza, AM Schleder
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 43, 629-653, 2016
Towards Interpretable Deep Learning: A Feature Selection Framework for Prognostics and Health Management Using Deep Neural Networks
J Figueroa Barraza, E López Droguett, MR Martins
Sensors 21 (17), 5888, 2021
General model analysis of aeronautical accidents involving human and organizational factors
MCGSP Bandeira, AR Correia, MR Martins
Journal of Air Transport Management 69, 137-146, 2018
Applying the maturity model concept to the servitization process of consumer durables companies in Brazil
RLP Alvarez, MR Martins, MT Silva
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 26 (8), 1086-1106, 2015
A Methodology for Risk Analysis Based on Hybrid Bayesian Networks: Application to the Regasification System of Liquefied Natural Gas Onboard a Floating Storage and …
MR Martins, AM Schleder, EL Droguett
Risk Analysis 34 (12), 2098-2120, 2014
Project management office implementation and consolidation: a case study
AP Martins, MR Martins, MMM Pereira, VA Martins
Production 15 (3), 404-415, 2005
Implantação e consolidação de escritório de gerenciamento de projetos: um estudo de caso
AP Martins, MR Martins, MMM Pereira, VA Martins
Production 15, 404-415, 2005
A Risk Analysis of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration into non-Segregate Airspace
RB Ferreira, DM Baum, ECP Neto, MR Martins, JR Almeida, ...
2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 42-51, 2018
Outsourcing operations in project management offices: The reality of Brazilian companies
VA Martins, MR Martins
Project Management Journal 43 (2), 68-83, 2012
A novel Capsule Neural Network based model for drowsiness detection using electroencephalography signals
L Guarda, JE Tapia, EL Droguett, M Ramos
Expert Systems with Applications 201, 116977, 2022
Experimental data and CFD performance for CO2 cloud dispersion analysis
AM Schleder, MR Martins
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 43, 688-699, 2016
Deep learning health state prognostics of physical assets in the Oil and Gas industry
J Figueroa Barraza, L Guarda Bräuning, R Benites Perez, CB Morais, ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2022
Guidelines for life extension process management in oil and gas facilities
NN Ferreira, MR Martins, MAG de Figueiredo, VH Gagno
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 68, 104290, 2020
Numerical offshore tank: development of numerical offshore tank for ultra deep water oil production systems
K Nishimoto, MD Ferreira, MR Martins, IQ Masseti, CA Martins, BP Jacob, ...
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 36819 …, 2003
Uniform corrosion assessment in oil and gas pipelines using corrosion prediction models–Part 1: models performance and limitations for operational field cases
JPB Cruz, EG Veruz, IV Aoki, AM Schleder, GFM de Souza, GL Vaz, ...
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 167, 500-515, 2022
Capsule Neural Networks for structural damage localization and quantification using transmissibility data
JF Barraza, EL Droguett, VM Naranjo, MR Martins
Applied Soft Computing 97, 106732, 2020
Revisão crítica do OPM3: um estudo de redundâncias
NA Zaguir, MR Martins
Revista Gestão Industrial 3 (1), 2007
Revisiting past refinery accidents from a human reliability analysis perspective: The BP Texas City and the Chevron Richmond accidents
M Abílio Ramos, EL Droguett, A Mosleh, M das Chagas Moura, ...
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 95 (12), 2293-2305, 2017
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