Beam line I411 at MAX II—performance and first results M Bässler, A Ausmees, M Jurvansuu, R Feifel, JO Forsell, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2001
253 2001 Control of the polarization of a vacuum-ultraviolet, high-gain, free-electron laser E Allaria, B Diviacco, C Callegari, P Finetti, B Mahieu, J Viefhaus, ...
Physical Review X 4 (4), 041040, 2014
186 2014 Subnatural linewidths in the Kr M 5 N 2, 3 N 2, 3 and Xe N 5 O 2, 3 O 2, 3 resonant Auger spectra A Kivimäki, AN De Brito, S Aksela, H Aksela, OP Sairanen, A Ausmees, ...
Physical review letters 71 (26), 4307, 1993
186 1993 Inherent lifetime widths of Ar 2 p− 1, Kr 3 d− 1, Xe 3 d− 1, and Xe 4 d− 1 states M Jurvansuu, A Kivimäki, S Aksela
Physical Review A 64 (1), 012502, 2001
176 2001 A high-resolution N 1s photoionization study of the molecule in the near-threshold region B Kempgens, A Kivimäki, M Neeb, HM Köppe, AM Bradshaw, J Feldhaus
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 29 (22), 5389, 1996
145 1996 A modular end-station for atomic, molecular, and cluster science at the low density matter beamline of FERMI@ Elettra V Lyamayev, Y Ovcharenko, R Katzy, M Devetta, L Bruder, A LaForge, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46 (16), 164007, 2013
107 2013 High-resolution pre-edge structure in the inner-shell ionization threshold region of rare gases Xe, Kr, and Ar OP Sairanen, A Kivimäki, E Nõmmiste, H Aksela, S Aksela
Physical Review A 54 (4), 2834, 1996
107 1996 The vibrationally resolved participator Auger spectra of selectively excited C 1s (2σ)−1 2π1 vibrational states in carbon monoxide SJ Osborne, A Ausmees, S Svensson, A Kivimäki, OP Sairanen, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 102 (19), 7317-7324, 1995
107 1995 Core level energy splitting in the C 1s photoelectron spectrum of C 2 H 2 B Kempgens, H Köppel, A Kivimäki, M Neeb, LS Cederbaum, ...
Physical review letters 79 (19), 3617, 1997
101 1997 Vibrationally Resolved O Photoelectron Spectrum of : Vibronic Coupling and Dynamic Core-Hole Localization A Kivimäki, B Kempgens, K Maier, HM Köppe, MN Piancastelli, M Neeb, ...
Physical review letters 79 (6), 998, 1997
101 1997 Performance of the modified SX‐700 plane grating monochromator at the Finnish beamline in MAX‐lab S Aksela, A Kivimäki, A Naves de Brito, OP Sairanen, S Svensson, ...
Review of scientific instruments 65 (4), 831-836, 1994
92 1994 FinEstBeaMS–A wide-range Finnish-Estonian Beamline for Materials Science at the 1.5 GeV storage ring at the MAX IV Laboratory R Pärna, R Sankari, E Kukk, E Nõmmiste, M Valden, M Lastusaari, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2017
89 2017 Observation of an anomalous decay ratio between the molecular field split levels in the S 2p core photoelectron and LVV Auger spectrum of S S Svensson, A Ausmees, SJ Osborne, G Bray, F Gel’mukhanov, H Ågren, ...
Physical review letters 72 (19), 3021, 1994
88 1994 Acetylacetone photodynamics at a seeded free-electron laser RJ Squibb, M Sapunar, A Ponzi, R Richter, A Kivimäki, O Plekan, P Finetti, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 63, 2018
78 2018 A comprehensive photoabsorption, photoionization, and shake-up excitation study of the cross section of benzene EE Rennie, B Kempgens, HM Köppe, U Hergenhahn, J Feldhaus, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 (17), 7362-7375, 2000
73 2000 High-resolution C 1s photoelectron spectra of methane HM Köppe, BS Itchkawitz, ALD Kilcoyne, J Feldhaus, B Kempgens, ...
Physical Review A 53 (6), 4120, 1996
73 1996 A method to determine a transmission correction for electron spectrometers using synchrotron radiation J Jauhiainen, A Ausmees, A Kivimäkia, SJ Osborne, AN de Briton, ...
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena 69 (3), 181-187, 1994
73 1994 The C 1s and N 1s near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectra of five azabenzenes in the gas phase G Vall-llosera, B Gao, A Kivimäki, M Coreno, J Álvarez Ruiz, M de Simone, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (4), 2008
69 2008 Auger decay of the dissociating core‐excited states in the HCl and DCl molecules E Kukk, H Aksela, OP Sairanen, S Aksela, A Kivimäki, E Nõmmiste, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 104 (12), 4475-4480, 1996
67 1996 Near-threshold study of Xe photoionization A Kivimäki, U Hergenhahn, B Kempgens, R Hentges, MN Piancastelli, ...
Physical Review A 63 (1), 012716, 2000
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