Esra Memili
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Nonfamily managers, family firms, and the winner's curse: The influence of noneconomic goals and bounded rationality
JJ Chrisman, E Memili, K Misra
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 38 (5), 1-25, 2014
Building a family firm image: How family firms capitalize on their family ties
TM Zellweger, FW Kellermanns, KA Eddleston, E Memili
Journal of Family Business Strategy 3 (4), 239-250, 2012
Family social capital, venture preparedness, and start-up decisions: A study of Hispanic entrepreneurs in New England
EPC Chang, E Memili, JJ Chrisman, FW Kellermanns, JH Chua
Family Business Review 22 (3), 279-292, 2009
The impact of small-and medium-sized family firms on economic growth
E Memili, H Fang, JJ Chrisman, A De Massis
Small Business Economics 45, 771-785, 2015
The critical path to family firm success through entrepreneurial risk taking and image
E Memili, KA Eddleston, FW Kellermanns, TM Zellweger, T Barnett
Journal of Family Business Strategy 1 (4), 200-209, 2010
Saudi women entrepreneurs: A growing economic segment
DHB Welsh, E Memili, E Kaciak, A Al Sadoon
Journal of Business Research 67 (5), 758-762, 2014
The pursuit of international opportunities in family firms: Generational differences and the role of knowledge‐based resources
H Fang, J Kotlar, E Memili, JJ Chrisman, A De Massis
Global Strategy Journal 8 (1), 136-157, 2018
Sustainability practices of family firms: The interplay between family ownership and long-term orientation
E Memili, HC Fang, B Koc, Ö Yildirim-Öktem, S Sonmez
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 26 (1), 9-28, 2018
An empirical analysis of the impact of family moral support on Turkish women entrepreneurs
DHB Welsh, E Memili, E Kaciak
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 1 (1), 3-12, 2016
Does size matter? The moderating effects of firm size on the employment of nonfamily managers in privately held family SMEs
HC Fang, RVDG Randolph, E Memili, JJ Chrisman
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 40 (5), 1017-1039, 2016
Japanese women entrepreneurs: implications for family firms
DHB Welsh, E Memili, E Kaciak, M Ochi
Journal of Small Business Management 52 (2), 286-305, 2014
Perceptions of entrepreneurship across generations in family offices: A stewardship theory perspective
DHB Welsh, E Memili, K Rosplock, J Roure, JL Segurado
Journal of Family Business Strategy 4 (3), 213-226, 2013
Business-family interface and the performance of women entrepreneurs: The moderating effect of economic development
DHB Welsh, E Kaciak, E Memili, C Minialai
International Journal of Emerging Markets 13 (2), 330-349, 2018
Going beyond research on goal setting: A proposed role for organizational psychological capital of family firms
E Memili, DHB Welsh, F Luthans
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 37 (6), 1289-1296, 2013
The Palgrave handbook of heterogeneity among family firms
E Memili, C Dibrell
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
Sudanese women entrepreneurs
DHB Welsh, E Memili, E Kaciak, S Ahmed
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 18 (02), 1350013, 2013
Role conflicts of family members in family firms
E Memili, EPC Chang, FW Kellermanns, DHB Welsh
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 24 (1), 143-151, 2015
Transaction costs and outsourcing decisions in small-and medium-sized family firms
E Memili, JJ Chrisman, JH Chua
Family Business Review 24 (1), 47-61, 2011
Narrow‐framing and risk preferences in family and non‐family firms
HC Fang, E Memili, JJ Chrisman, L Tang
Journal of Management Studies 58 (1), 201-235, 2021
Value creation and value appropriation in innovation process in publicly-traded family firms
E Memili, HC Fang, DHB Welsh
Management Decision 53 (9), 1921-1952, 2015
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