Robert L. Wolpert
Robert L. Wolpert
Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University
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Redefine statistical significance
DJ Benjamin, JO Berger, M Johannesson, BA Nosek, EJ Wagenmakers, ...
Nature human behaviour 2 (1), 6-10, 2018
The Likelihood Principle, Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes-Monograph Series
JO Berger, RL Wolpert
Hayward, Calif.: Inst. of Math. Stat, 1984
Integrated likelihood methods for eliminating nuisance parameters
JO Berger, B Liseo, RL Wolpert
Statistical science 14 (1), 1-28, 1999
Spatial Correlation Versus Spatial Variation: Gamma/Poisson Hierarchical Models in Comparison
K Ickstadt, RL Wolpert
Institute of Statistics & Decision Sciences, Duke University, 1996
Multisystem Bayesian constraints on the transport coefficients of QCD matter
D Everett, W Ke, JF Paquet, G Vujanovic, SA Bass, L Du, C Gale, ...
Physical Review C 103 (5), 054904, 2021
Spatial Poisson regression for health and exposure data measured at disparate resolutions
NG Best, K Ickstadt, RL Wolpert
Journal of the American statistical association 95 (452), 1076-1088, 2000
Phenomenological constraints on the transport properties of QCD matter with data-driven model averaging
D Everett, W Ke, JF Paquet, G Vujanovic, SA Bass, L Du, C Gale, ...
Physical review letters 126 (24), 242301, 2021
A unified conditional frequentist and Bayesian test for fixed and sequential simple hypothesis testing
JO Berger, LD Brown, RL Wolpert
The Annals of Statistics, 1787-1807, 1994
Rapid taste responses in the gustatory cortex during licking
JR Stapleton, ML Lavine, RL Wolpert, MAL Nicolelis, SA Simon
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (15), 4126-4138, 2006
Determining fundamental properties of matter created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
J Novak, K Novak, S Pratt, J Vredevoogd, CE Coleman-Smith, RL Wolpert
Physical Review C 89 (3), 034917, 2014
Modeling the relationship between most probable number (MPN) and colony-forming unit (CFU) estimates of fecal coliform concentration
AD Gronewold, RL Wolpert
Water research 42 (13), 3327-3334, 2008
Determining the jet transport coefficient from inclusive hadron suppression measurements using Bayesian parameter estimation
S Cao, Y Chen, J Coleman, J Mulligan, PM Jacobs, RA Soltz, A Angerami, ...
Physical Review C 104 (2), 024905, 2021
Using statistical and computer models to quantify volcanic hazards
MJ Bayarri, JO Berger, ES Calder, K Dalbey, S Lunagomez, AK Patra, ...
Technometrics 51 (4), 402-413, 2009
Reconstructing plant root area and water uptake profiles
K Ogle, RL Wolpert, JF Reynolds
Ecology 85 (7), 1967-1978, 2004
Simulation of Lévy random fields
RL Wolpert, K Ickstadt
Practical nonparametric and semiparametric Bayesian statistics, 227-242, 1998
Meta-analysis of migraine headache treatments: combining information from heterogeneous designs
F Dominici, G Parmigiani, RL Wolpert, V Hasselblad
Journal of the American Statistical Association 94 (445), 16-28, 1999
Quantifying properties of hot and dense QCD matter through systematic model-to-data comparison
JE Bernhard, PW Marcy, CE Coleman-Smith, S Huzurbazar, RL Wolpert, ...
Physical Review C 91 (5), 054910, 2015
Fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Lévy processes and the Telecom process: Upstairs and downstairs
RL Wolpert, MS Taqqu
Signal Processing 85 (8), 1523-1545, 2005
Multistage Monte Carlo simulation of jet modification in a static medium
S Cao, C Park, RA Barbieri, SA Bass, D Bazow, J Bernhard, J Coleman, ...
Physical Review C 96 (2), 024909, 2017
The JETSCAPE framework
JH Putschke, K Kauder, E Khalaj, A Angerami, SA Bass, S Cao, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.07706, 2019
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