wassim mansour
wassim mansour
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility - ESRF
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An automated SEU fault-injection method and tool for HDL-based designs
W Mansour, R Velazco
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (4), 2728-2733, 2013
SEU fault-injection in VHDL-based processors: A case study
W Mansour, R Velazco
Journal of Electronic Testing 29, 87-94, 2013
Continuous High-Altitude Measurements of Cosmic Ray Neutrons and SEU/MCU at Various Locations: Correlation and Analyses Based-On MUSCA SEP
G Hubert, R Velazco, C Federico, A Cheminet, C Silva-Cardenas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (4), 2418-2426, 2013
Accelerator-based neutron irradiation of integrated circuits at GENEPI2 (France)
F Villa, M Baylac, S Rey, O Rossetto, W Mansour, P Ramos, R Velazco, ...
2014 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), 1-5, 2014
Evidence of the robustness of a COTS soft-error free SRAM to neutron radiation
R Velazco, JA Clemente, G Hubert, W Mansour, C Palomar, FJ Franco, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61 (6), 3103-3108, 2014
Hardware implementation of a fault-tolerant hopfield neural network on FPGAs
JA Clemente, W Mansour, R Ayoubi, F Serrano, H Mecha, H Ziade, ...
Neurocomputing 171, 1606-1609, 2016
In flight SEU/MCU sensitivity of commercial nanometric SRAMs: Operational estimations
L Artola, R Velazco, G Hubert, S Duzellier, T Nuns, B Guerard, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (6), 2644-2651, 2011
A method and an automated tool to perform SET fault-injection on HDL-based designs
W Mansour, R Velazco, R Ayoubi, H Ziade, W El Falou
2013 25th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), 1-4, 2013
FPGA implementation of RDMA-based data acquisition system over 100-Gb ethernet
W Mansour, N Janvier, P Fajardo
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (7), 1138-1143, 2019
An optimal implementation on FPGA of a hopfield neural network
W Mansour, R Ayoubi, H Ziade, R Velazco, W El Falou
Advances in Artificial Neural Systems 2011 (1), 189368, 2011
SEU simulation by fault injection in PSoC device: Preliminary results
W Mansour, R Velazco, W El Falou, H Ziade, R Ayoubi
2012 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for …, 2012
Preliminary results of SEU fault-injection on multicore processors in AMP mode
V Vargas, P Ramos, W Mansour, R Velazco, NE Zergainoh, JF Mehaut
2014 IEEE 20th International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS), 194-197, 2014
Error-rate estimation combining SEE static cross-section predictions and fault-injections performed on HDL-based designs
W Mansour, R Velazco, G Hubert
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (6), 4238-4242, 2013
Improving SEU fault tolerance capabilities of a self-converging algorithm
R Velazco, W Mansour, F Pancher, G Marques-Costa, D Sohier, A Bui
2011 12th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and …, 2011
Two complementary approaches for studying the effects of SEUs on HDL-based designs
W Mansour, MA Aguirre, H Guzmán-Miranda, J Barrientos, R Velazco
2014 IEEE 20th International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS), 220-221, 2014
Robustness with respect to SEUs of a self-converging algorithm
R Velazco, G Foucard, F Pancher, W Mansour, G Marques-Costa, ...
2011 12th Latin American Test Workshop (LATW), 1-5, 2011
High performance RDMA-based DAQ platform over PCIe routable network
W Mansour, P Fajardo, N Janvier
ICALEPCS, Barcelona, Spain, 8-13, 2017
SEU fault-injection at system level: method, tools and preliminary results
W Mansour, P Ramos, R Ayoubi, R Velazco
2014 15th Latin American Test Workshop-LATW, 1-5, 2014
Online GPUAnalysis using adaptive DMA controlled by softcore for 2D detectors
R Ponsard, N Janvier, D Houzet, V Fristot, W Mansour
2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 436-439, 2020
Fpga implementation of rdma-based data acquisition system over 100 gbe
W Mansour, N Janvier, P Fajardo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.08939, 2018
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