Diane Kunyk
Diane Kunyk
Acting Dean and Professor, University of Alberta
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Clarification of conceptualizations of empathy
D Kunyk, JK Olson
Journal of Advanced nursing 35 (3), 317-325, 2001
Adverse events associated with medium‐and long‐term use of opioids for chronic non‐cancer pain: an overview of Cochrane Reviews
C Els, TD Jackson, D Kunyk, VG Lappi, B Sonnenberg, R Hagtvedt, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017
Substance use disorders among registered nurses: prevalence, risks and perceptions in a disciplinary jurisdiction
D Kunyk
Journal of Nursing Management 23 (1), 54-64, 2015
High‐dose opioids for chronic non‐cancer pain: an overview of Cochrane Reviews
C Els, TD Jackson, R Hagtvedt, D Kunyk, B Sonnenberg, VG Lappi, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023
Moral distress: A concept clarification
S Deschenes, M Gagnon, T Park, D Kunyk
Nursing ethics 27 (4), 1127-1146, 2020
Situating moral distress within relational ethics
S Deschenes, D Kunyk
Nursing ethics 27 (3), 767-777, 2020
Employers’ perceptions and attitudes toward the Canadian national standard on psychological health and safety in the workplace: A qualitative study
D Kunyk, M Craig-Broadwith, H Morris, R Diaz, E Reisdorfer, JL Wang
International journal of law and psychiatry 44, 41-47, 2016
Nursing under the influence: A relational ethics perspective
D Kunyk, W Austin
Nursing ethics 19 (3), 380-389, 2012
Help seeking by health professionals for addiction: A mixed studies review
D Kunyk, M Inness, E Reisdorfer, H Morris, T Chambers
International Journal of Nursing Studies 60, 200-215, 2016
Impact of cannabis use on road traffic collisions and safety at work: systematic review and meta-analysis
C Els, TD Jackson, RT Tsuyuki, H Aidoo, G Wyatt, D Sowah, D Chao, ...
Canadian Journal of Addiction 10 (1), 8-15, 2019
Disciplining virtue: Investigating the discourses of opioid addiction in nursing
D Kunyk, M Milner, A Overend
Nursing inquiry 23 (4), 315-326, 2016
Peer Reviewed: Development and Introduction of a Comprehensive Tobacco Control Policy in a Canadian Regional Health Authority
C Els, D Kunyk, G Predy, M Haase
Preventing chronic disease 4 (2), 2007
Recommendations for navigating the experiences of moral distress: A scoping review
S Deschenes, K Tate, SD Scott, D Kunyk
International Journal of Nursing Studies 122, 104035, 2021
Beyond technology, drips, and machines: moral distress in PICU nurses caring for end‐of‐life patients
M Gagnon, D Kunyk
Nursing inquiry 29 (2), e12437, 2022
Random drug and alcohol testing for preventing injury in workers
C Els, TD Jackson, MT Milen, D Kunyk, G Wyatt, D Sowah, R Hagtvedt, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2020
Management of tobacco addiction in patients with mental illness
C Els, D Kunyk
Smoking Cessation Rounds 2 (2), 1-6, 2008
Workplace functional impairment due to mental disorders
C Els, D Kunyk, H Hoffman, A Wargon
Mental illnesses–Understanding, prediction and control. Rijeka: IntechOpen …, 2012
Smoking in the Capital Health Region—Report, Population Health Survey 2002
A Kaida, J Edwards, N Fraser-Lee, D Kunyk, P Lightfoot, J Marko, ...
Edmonton, Alberta: Capital Health, 2004
Tobacco use and dependence treatment in Primary Care: Implementing a Clinical System Pathway in Alberta
P Kunyk, D., Els, C., Papadakis, S., Selby
Canadian Family Physician 60, 646-55, 2014
Mitigating moral distress: pediatric critical care nurses’ recommendations
S Deschenes, SD Scott, D Kunyk
HEC forum 36 (3), 341-361, 2024
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