Malva Isabel Medina Hernandez
Malva Isabel Medina Hernandez
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Quantifying the biodiversity value of tropical primary, secondary, and plantation forests
J Barlow, TA Gardner, IS Araújo, TC Ávila-Pires, AB Bonaldo, JE Costa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (47), 18555-18560, 2007
The cost‐effectiveness of biodiversity surveys in tropical forests
TA Gardner, J Barlow, IS Araujo, TC Ávila‐Pires, AB Bonaldo, JE Costa, ...
Ecology letters 11 (2), 139-150, 2008
Understanding the biodiversity consequences of habitat change: the value of secondary and plantation forests for neotropical dung beetles
TA Gardner, MIM Hernández, J Barlow, CA Peres
Journal of applied ecology 45 (3), 883-893, 2008
Spatial patterns of movement of dung beetle species in a tropical forest suggest a new trap spacing for dung beetle biodiversity studies
PG Silva, MIM Hernández
PloS one 10 (5), e0126112, 2015
Indirect effects of habitat loss via habitat fragmentation: A cross-taxa analysis of forest-dependent species
T Püttker, R Crouzeilles, M Almeida-Gomes, M Schmoeller, D Maurenza, ...
Biological Conservation 241, 108368, 2020
Seasonal and spatial species richness variation of dung beetle (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae s. str.) in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil
MIM Hernández, FZ Vaz-de-Mello
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 53, 607-613, 2009
Improving the design and management of forest strips in human‐dominated tropical landscapes: a field test on Amazonian dung beetles
J Barlow, J Louzada, L Parry, MIM Hernández, J Hawes, CA Peres, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (4), 779-788, 2010
Environmental perception of gatherers of the crab 'caranguejo-uçá' (Ucides cordatus, Decapoda, Brachyura) affecting their collection attitudes
RRN Alves, AK Nishida, MIM Hernández
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 1, 1-8, 2005
Attractivity of omnivore, carnivore and herbivore mammalian dung to Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in a tropical Atlantic rainforest remnant
BKC Filgueiras, CN Liberal, CDM Aguiar, MIM Hernández, L Iannuzzi
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 53, 422-427, 2009
Collembola as bioindicators of restoration in mined sand dunes of Northeastern Brazil
D Zeppelini, BC Bellini, AJ Creao-Duarte, MIM Hernández
Biodiversity and Conservation 18, 1161-1170, 2009
Local and regional effects on community structure of dung beetles in a mainland-island scenario
PG Silva, MIM Hernández
PLoS One 9 (10), e111883, 2014
Use of index analysis to evaluate the water quality of a stream receiving industrial effluents
R Abrahão, M Carvalho, WR Da Silva Jr, T Machado, C Gadelha, ...
Water Sa 33 (4), 2007
Besouros escarabeíneos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) da caatinga paraibana, Brasil
MIM Hernández
Oecologia brasiliensis 11 (3), 356-364, 2007
Neutralizing antibodies to human and simian adenoviruses in humans and New-World monkeys
J Ersching, MIM Hernandez, FS Cezarotto, JDS Ferreira, AB Martins, ...
Virology 407 (1), 1-6, 2010
Disentangling the correlates of species and site contributions to beta diversity in dung beetle assemblages
PG da Silva, MIM Hernández, J Heino
Diversity and Distributions 24 (11), 1674-1686, 2018
Small-male advantage in the territorial tropical butterflyHeliconius sara (Nymphalidae): a paradoxical strategy?
Animal Behaviour 56 (3), 533-540, 1998
Attractiveness of native mammal’s feces of different trophic guilds to dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae)
JA Bogoni, MIM Hernández
Journal of Insect Science 14 (1), 299, 2014
The night and day of dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in the Serra do Japi, Brazil: elytra colour related to daily activity
MIM Hernández
Revista brasileira de Entomologia 46, 597-600, 2002
Turnover and nestedness in subtropical dung beetle assemblages along an elevational gradient
PG da Silva, JM Lobo, MC Hensen, FZ Vaz‐de‐Mello, MIM Hernández
Diversity and Distributions 24 (9), 1277-1290, 2018
Diversidade de Scarabaeidae s. str.(Coleoptera) da Reserva Biológica Guaribas, Mamanguape, Paraíba, Brasil: uma comparação entre Mata Atlântica e Tabuleiro Nordestino
AA Endres, AJ Creão-Duarte, MIM Hernández
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 51, 67-71, 2007
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