Sarajane Marques Peres
Sarajane Marques Peres
Associate Professor at University of São Paulo, Brazil
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Cited by
Introdução a Mineração de Dados: com aplicações em R
LA Silva, SM Peres, C Boscarioli
Elsevier, 2016
Hand movement recognition for brazilian sign language: a study using distance-based neural networks
DB Dias, RCB Madeo, T Rocha, HH Bíscaro, SM Peres
Neural Networks, 2009. IJCNN 2009. International Joint Conference on, 697-704, 2009
A systematic mapping study of process mining
ARC Maita, LC Martins, CR López Paz, L Rafferty, PCK Hung, SM Peres, ...
Enterprise Information Systems 12 (5), 505-549, 2018
Gesture unit segmentation using support vector machines: segmenting gestures from rest positions
RCB Madeo, CAM Lima, SM Peres
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 46-52, 2013
Gesture phase segmentation using support vector machines
RCB Madeo, SM Peres, CA de Moraes Lima
Expert Systems with Applications 56, 100-115, 2016
Process mining through artificial neural networks and support vector machines: a systematic literature review
ARC Maita, LC Martins, CR López Paz, SM Peres, M Fantinato
Business Process Management Journal 21 (6), 1391-1415, 2015
Grammatical facial expressions recognition with machine learning
F de Almeida Freitas, SM Peres, CA de Moraes Lima, FV Barbosa
The Twenty-Seventh International Flairs Conference, 2014
Towards a Privacy Rule Conceptual Model for Smart Toys
L Rafferty, PCK Hung, M Fantinato, SM Peres, F Iqbal, SY Kuo, SC Huang
Computing in Smart Toys, 85-102, 2017
Gesture Unit Segmentation Using Spatial-Temporal Information and Machine Learning
PK Wagner, SM Peres, RCB Madeo, CAM Lima, FA Freitas
The Twenty-Seventh International Flairs Conference, 2014
Aprendizado de máquina em sistemas de recomendação baseados em conteudo textual uma revisao sistematica
LF Brunialti, V Freire, SM Peres, CAM Lima
XI Brazilian Symposium on Information System. Goiania, GO: 2015Disponível em …, 2015
Feature selection for biometric recognition based on electrocardiogram signals
FGS Teodoro, SM Peres, CAM Lima
2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2911-2920, 2017
Experimenting with design thinking in requirements refinement for a learning management system
M da Soledade Jr, R Freitas, S Peres, M Fantinato, R Steinbeck, U Araújo
Anais do IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, 182-193, 2013
Grammatical facial expression recognition in sign language discourse: a study at the syntax level
FA Freitas, SM Peres, CAM Lima, FV Barbosa
Information Systems Frontiers 19, 1243-1259, 2017
Tutorial sobre Fuzzy-c-Means e Fuzzy Learning Vector Quantization: abordagens híbridas para tarefas de agrupamento e classificação
SM Peres, T Rocha, HH Bíscaro, RCB Madeo, C Boscarioli
Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada 19 (1), 120-163, 2012
Concept drift detection and localization in process mining: an integrated and efficient approach enabled by trace clustering
RG de Sousa, SM Peres, M Fantinato, HA Reijers
Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 364-373, 2021
Effects of social robots on depressive symptoms in older adults: a scoping review
BS Araujo, M Fantinato, S Marques Peres, RC Melo, SST Batistoni, ...
Library Hi Tech 40 (5), 1108-1126, 2022
Classification of electromyography signals using relevance vector machines and fractal dimension
CAM Lima, ALV Coelho, RCB Madeo, SM Peres
Neural Computing and Applications 27 (3), 791-804, 2016
Process mining-enabled jurimetrics: analysis of a Brazilian court's judicial performance in the business law processing
AJ Unger, JFS Neto, M Fantinato, SM Peres, J Trecenti, R Hirota
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Artificial …, 2021
Pirá: a bilingual portuguese-english dataset for question-answering about the ocean
AFA Paschoal, P Pirozelli, V Freire, KV Delgado, SM Peres, MM José, ...
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2021
A committee machine implementing the pattern recognition module for fingerspelling applications
RCB Madeo, SM Peres, HH Bíscaro, DB Dias, C Boscarioli
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 954-958, 2010
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Articles 1–20