Luis Augusto Consularo
Luis Augusto Consularo
TSE - Superior Electoral Court
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Cited by
Interactive image segmentation by matching attributed relational graphs
A Noma, ABV Graciano, RM Cesar Jr, LA Consularo, I Bloch
Pattern Recognition 45 (3), 1159-1179, 2012
Automatic feature selection for biological shape classification in/spl Sigma/ynergos
OM Bruno, RM Cesar, LA Consularo, LDF Costa
Proceedings SIBGRAPI'98. International Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image …, 1998
Structural image segmentation with interactive model generation
LA Consularo, RM Cesar, I Bloch
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 6, VI-45-VI-48, 2007
A new algorithm for interactive structural image segmentation
A Noma, ABV Graciano, LA Consularo, RM Cesar-Jr, I Bloch
arXiv preprint arXiv:0805.1854, 2008
ARToolKit: Aspectos técnicos e aplicações educacionais
C Fiolhais
Realidade virtual: uma abordagem prática: livro dos minicursos do SVR2004 …, 2004
A RBFN perceptive model for image thresholding
FM Lopes, LA Consularo
XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing …, 2005
The dynamics of biological evolution and the importance of spatial relations and shapes
L da Fontoura Costa, LA Consularo
Human and Machine Perception 2: Emergence, Attention, and Creativity, 1-14, 1999
Quadtree-based inexact graph matching for image analysis
LA Consularo, RM Cesar
XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing …, 2005
Rastreamento Óptico para Sistemas de Realidade virtual e aumentada
LA Consularo, RC Coelho, N Calonego Jr
Realidade Virtual e Aumentada: Conceitos, Projeto e Aplicações, 22, 2007
Data Mining-Based Modeling of Human Visual Perception
LA Consularo, R de Alencar Lotufo, L da Fontoura Costa
Medical Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 60, 404-432, 2001
Oversegmentation control for inexact graph matching: First results.
LA Consularo, RM Cesar Jr, LH de Figueiredo, I Bloch
ISMM (1), 375-386, 2007
Tutorial Sobre ARToolKit
LA Consularo, RC Coelho, MM Fernandes
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Universidade Metodista …, 2004
Σynergos—synergetic vision research
OM Bruno, RM Cesar, LA Consularo, LF Costa
Real-Time Systems 21, 7-41, 2001
Técnicas de mineração de dados para análise de imagens
LA Consularo
User interface design for VCMMs: an approach to increase fidelity and usability
NC Junior, AJ Abackerli, LA Consularo
2006 IEEE Symposium on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and …, 2006
Inexact graph matching for segmentation and recognition of object parts
A Noma, ABV Graciano, RM César Júnior, LA Consularo, I Bloch
3D neuron growth visualization
N Calonego Jr, RC Coelho, LA Consularo
UNIMEP–Methodist University of Piracicaba, 2007
Visualization and simulation of 3D artificial neural structures generated by L-system
RC Coelho, N Calonego Jr, LA Consularo
Virtual Reality 14 (2), 119-129, 2010
Ambiente de visualização e interação para simulações neurais
GH Capovilla, RC Coelho, LA Consularo
Dissertação de mestrado. Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, 2006
Entrada de senhas com Realidade Aumentada
RA Silva, LA Consularo, RC Coelho
Anais do I Workshop de Realidade Aumentada, 53-55, 2004
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Articles 1–20