Priscila Engiel
Priscila Engiel
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Cited by
Facing the challenges of teaching requirements engineering
RL Quintanilla Portugal, P Engiel, J Pivatelli, JCS do Prado Leite
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2016
Democracia Eletrônica
RM Araujo, C Cappelli, B Diirr, P Engiel, RL Tavares
Sistemas Colaborativos 1, 110-121, 2011
Designing public service process models for understandability
P Engiel, R Araujo, C Cappelli
Electronic journal of e-government 12 (1), pp95‑111-pp95‑111, 2014
Building large models of law with NómosT
N Zeni, EA Seid, P Engiel, S Ingolfo, J Mylopoulos
Conceptual Modeling: 35th International Conference, ER 2016, Gifu, Japan …, 2016
NómosT: building large models of law with a tool-supported process
N Zeni, EA Seid, P Engiel, J Mylopoulos
Data & Knowledge Engineering 117, 407-418, 2018
A tool-supported compliance process for software systems
P Engiel, JCSDP Leite, J Mylopoulos
2017 11th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2017
Is there a demand of software transparency?
RLQ Portugal, P Engiel, H Roque, JCS do Prado Leite
Proceedings of the XXXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 204-213, 2017
Projetando o entendimento de modelos de processos de prestação de serviços públicos
P Engiel
Managing transparency guided by a maturity model
C Cappelli¹, P Engiel, RM de Araujo¹, JCS do Prado Leite
Raising citizen-government communication with business process models
R Araujo, C Cappelli, P Engiel
Handbook of Research on Democratic Strategies and Citizen-Centered E …, 2015
Bridging the Gap between Brazilian Startups and business processes–Process thinking’s initial exploratory case study
AM Magdaleno, P Engiel, RL Tavares, PS Pisa, RM Araujo
iSys-Brazilian Journal of Information Systems 10 (1), 19-38, 2017
APRUMO (Agile Process Modeling)–A Method to Process Modeling Using Agile BPM
CSM Vieira, PA Lohmann, AM Magdaleno, P Engiel
Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 1-8, 2020
Existe uma Demanda de Transparência? Análise de comentários à Projetos de Lei
RLQ Portugal, P Engiel, JCS do Prado Leite
Anais do V Workshop de Transparência em Sistemas, 2017
Descobrindo projetos de lei relacionados a transparência
P Engiel, RLQ Portugal, JCS do Prado Leite
IV Workshop de Transparência em Sistemas, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil, 2016
Um processo colaborativo para a construção de léxicos: o caso da divulgação de transparência.
P Engiel, J Pivatelli, P Moura, RLQ Portugal, JCS do Prado Leite
CIbSE, 688, 2015
Eliciting concepts from the Brazilian access law using a combined approach
P Engiel, C Cappelli, JCS do Prado Leite
Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1001-1006, 2014
A Evolução do Modelo de Maturidade em Transparência Organizacional
C Cappelli, P Engiel, J Leite, V Nunes, A Tanaka, G Santos, K Benjamim
Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI), 2014
Confirmando a Demanda por Transparência: Um Estudo Inicial sobre um Sistema de Avaliação de Projetos de Lei
P Engiel, JCS do Prado Leite, C Cappelli
II Workshop de Transparência em Sistemas, Londrina, Brasil, 2014
Soluções para ampliação da Democracia Eletrônica
B Diirr, P Engiel, R Tavares, R Araujo, C Cappelli
Construção do modelo de Maturidade em Transparência Organizacional
C Cappelli, P Engiel, J Leite, V Nunes, A Tanaka, R Araujo, G Santos, ...
Anais do WTRANS13–Workshop de Transparência em Sistemas, Brasília, Brasil, 2013
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Articles 1–20