Priscila Borin de Oliveira Claro
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Citado por
Entendendo o conceito de sustentabilidade nas organizações
PB de Oliveira Claro, DP Claro, R Amâncio
Revista de Administração-RAUSP 43 (4), 289-300, 2008
Collaborative buyer–supplier relationships and downstream information in marketing channels
DP Claro, PBO Claro
Industrial marketing management 39 (2), 221-228, 2010
Coordinating collaborative joint efforts with suppliers: the effects of trust, transaction specific investment and information network in the Dutch flower industry
D Pimentel Claro, P Borin de Oliveira Claro, G Hagelaar
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 11 (3), 216-224, 2006
Sustentabilidade estratégica: existe retorno no longo prazo?
PBO Claro, DP Claro
Revista de Administração da USP - RAUSP 49 (2), 292-306, 2014
Sustainability-oriented strategy and sustainable development goals
PBO Claro, NR Esteves
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 39 (4), 613-630, 2021
Sustainability drivers in food retail
DP Claro, SAL Neto, PB de Oliveira Claro
Journal of retailing and consumer services 20 (3), 365-371, 2013
Desenvolvimento de indicadores para monitoramento da sustentabilidade: o caso do café orgânico
PBO Claro, DP Claro
Revista de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo, 2004
Gerenciando relacionamentos colaborativos com fornecedores
DP Claro, PBO Claro
Revista de Administração de Empresas 44, 68-79, 2004
Coordinating B2B cross‐border supply chains: the case of the organic coffee industry
D Pimentel Claro, P Borin de Oliveira Claro
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 19 (6), 405-414, 2004
Relationship marketing strategies: when buyer and supplier follow different strategies to achieve performance
DP Claro, PBO Claro, D Zylbersztajn
Revista de Administração Contemporânea 9, 18-35, 2005
Managing trust relationships: calculative, affective, belief and performance
DP Claro, PBO Claro
BAR-Brazilian Administration Review 5, 289-303, 2008
Teaching sustainability-oriented capabilities using active learning approach
PB Claro, NR Esteves
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 22 (6), 1246-1265, 2021
Networking and developing collaborative relationships: evidence of the auto‐part industry of Brazil
D Pimentel Claro, P Borin de Oliveira Claro
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 26 (7), 514-523, 2011
Rede estratégica na seleção e na manutenção de relacionamentos com fornecedores: o caso MONL
DP Claro, PBO Claro, G Hagelaar
RAUSP–Revista de Administração. São Paulo: FEA/USP 38 (3), 181-191, 2002
Entendemos sustentabilidade em sua plenitude? Análise de fatores que influenciam a interpretação do conceito
PBO Claro, DP Claro
Consumer complaints and company market value
DP Claro, AFGR Fragoso, SA Laban Neto, PBO Claro
BAR-Brazilian Administration Review 11, 248-263, 2014
Why can't the alternative become mainstream? Unpacking the barriers and enablers of sustainable protein innovation in Brazil
CC de Moraes, PB Claro, VP Rodrigues
Sustainable Production and Consumption 35, 313-324, 2023
L. Amâncio. Entendendo o conceito de sustentabilidade nas organizações. R
PB Claro, DP Claro, R Amancio
Adm. São Paulo 43 (4), 289-300, 2008
The enhancing impact of friendship networks on sales managers' performance
DP Claro, SA Laban Neto, PBO Claro
BAR-Brazilian Administration Review 10, 158-175, 2013
Adopting Healthcare Information Exchange among Organizations, Regions, and Hospital Systems toward Quality, Sustainability, and Effectiveness
PB Salomi, M. J. A., & Claro
Technology and Investment, 11, 58-97, 2020
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Artigos 1–20