Matthew J Butler
Matthew J Butler
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Evaluation of a global positioning system backpack transmitter for wild turkey research
JD Guthrie, ME Byrne, JB Hardin, CO Kochanny, KL Skow, RT Snelgrove, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (3), 539-547, 2011
Commentary: Wildlife ranching in North America—arguments, issues, and perspectives
MJ Butler, AP Teaschner, WB Ballard, BK McGee
Wildlife Society Bulletin 33 (1), 381-389, 2005
Weather and prey predict mammals’ visitation to water
G Harris, JG Sanderson, J Erz, SE Lehnen, MJ Butler
PLoS One 10 (11), e0141355, 2015
Influence of whooping crane population dynamics on its recovery and management
MJ Butler, G Harris, BN Strobel
Biological Conservation 162, 89-99, 2013
Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) association to roads: implications for distance sampling
DR Erxleben, MJ Butler, WB Ballard, MC Wallace, MJ Peterson, NJ Silvy, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 57, 57-65, 2011
Possible vector dissemination by swift foxes following a plague epizootic in black-tailed prairie dogs in northwestern Texas
BK McGee, MJ Butler, DB Pence, JL Alexander, JB Nissen, WB Ballard, ...
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42 (2), 415-420, 2006
From the field: the relationship of Rio Grande wild turkey distributions to roads
MJ Butler, MC Wallace, WB Ballard, SJ DeMaso, RD Applegate
Wildlife Society Bulletin 33 (2), 745-748, 2005
Elk resource selection patterns in a semiarid riparian corridor
RM DeVore, MJ Butler, MC Wallace, SL Liley, AA Mertz, SE Sesnie, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 80 (3), 479-489, 2016
Monitoring whooping crane abundance using aerial surveys: influences on detectability
BN Strobel, MJ Butler
Wildlife Society Bulletin 38 (1), 188-195, 2014
Aerial surveys for estimating wild turkey abundance in the Texas Rolling Plains
MJ Butler, WB Ballard, MC Wallace, SJ Demaso, BK McGee
The Journal of wildlife management 71 (5), 1639-1645, 2007
Whooping crane demographic responses to winter drought focus conservation strategies
MJ Butler, KL Metzger, G Harris
Biological Conservation 179, 72-85, 2014
Road‐based surveys for estimating wild turkey density in the Texas Rolling Plains
MJ Butler, WB Ballard, MC Wallace, SJ Demaso
The Journal of wildlife management 71 (5), 1646-1653, 2007
Accurate population estimation of Caprinae using camera traps and distance sampling
GM Harris, MJ Butler, DR Stewart, EM Rominger, CQ Ruhl
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 17729, 2020
Mark-recapture models identify imminent extinction of Yaqui catfish Ictalurus pricei in the United States
DR Stewart, MJ Butler, G Harris, WR Radke
Biological Conservation 209, 45-53, 2017
Detectability of lesser prairie‐chicken leks: a comparison of surveys from aircraft
JT McRoberts, MJ Butler, WB Ballard, HA Whitlaw, DA Haukos, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (4), 771-778, 2011
Sound intensity of booming in lesser prairie‐chickens
MJ Butler, WB Ballard, RD Holt, HA Whitlaw
The Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (5), 1160-1162, 2010
Are whooping cranes destined for extinction? Climate change imperils recruitment and population growth
MJ Butler, KL Metzger, GM Harris
Ecology and Evolution 7 (8), 2821-2834, 2017
Spatially explicit modeling of lesser prairie‐chicken lek density in Texas
JM Timmer, MJ Butler, WB Ballard, CW Boal, HA Whitlaw
The Journal of wildlife management 78 (1), 142-152, 2014
Utility of poult-hen counts to index productivity of Rio Grande wild turkeys
MJ Butler, GI Hall, MC Wallace, WB Ballard, RS Phillips, JH Brunjes, ...
National Wild Turkey Symposium Proceedings 9, 159-168, 2007
Sampling designs matching species biology produce accurate and affordable abundance indices
G Harris, S Farley, GJ Russell, MJ Butler, J Selinger
PeerJ 1, e227, 2013
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