Gema García Piqueres
Gema García Piqueres
Associate Professor of Management University of Cantabria
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An analysis of factors affecting students perceptions of learning outcomes with Moodle
M Pérez-Pérez, AM Serrano-Bedia, G García-Piqueres
Journal of Further and Higher Education 44 (8), 1114-1129, 2020
Analysis of the relationship between sources of knowledge and innovation performance in family firms
AM Serrano-Bedia, MC López-Fernández, G Garcia-Piqueres
Innovation 18 (4), 489-512, 2016
Is the corporate social responsibility–innovation link homogeneous?: Looking for sustainable innovation in the Spanish context
G García‐Piqueres, R García‐Ramos
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 27 (2), 803-814, 2020
Gestión de la calidad en servicios: una revisión desde la perspectiva del management
Cuadernos de gestión 7 (1), 31-47, 2007
Complementarity between innovation knowledge sources: Does the innovation performance measure matter?
AM Serrano-Bedia, MC López-Fernández, G Garcia-Piqueres
BRQ Business Research Quarterly 21 (1), 53-67, 2018
Research opportunities on manufacturing flexibility domain: A review and theory-based research agenda
M Pérez-Pérez, AMS Bedia, MC López-Fernández, G García-Piqueres
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 48, 9-20, 2018
Manual de dirección de operaciones. Decisiones estratégicas
AG Cerro, GG Piqueres, MP Pérez, LS Ruiz
Ed. Universidad de Cantabria, 2021
Complementarity between innovation activities and innovation performance: Evidence from Spanish innovative firms
AM Serrano‐Bedia, M Concepción López‐Fernández, G García‐Piqueres
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 23 (5), 557-577, 2012
Knowledge management practices and innovation outcomes: The moderating role of risk-taking and proactiveness
G García-Piqueres, AM Serrano-Bedia, M Pérez-Pérez
Administrative Sciences 9 (4), 75, 2019
Complementarity between CSR dimensions and innovation: behaviour, objective or both?
G García-Piqueres, R García-Ramos
European Management Journal 40 (4), 475-489, 2022
Decision of institutional cooperation on R&D: Determinants and sectoral differences
AM Serrano‐Bedia, M Concepción López‐Fernández, G García‐Piqueres
European Journal of Innovation Management 13 (4), 439-465, 2010
Relatedness in the adoption of different innovation types: product, process, organisational and commercial innovations
G García-Piqueres, AM Serrano-Bedia, MC López-Fernández, ...
Technology analysis & strategic management 32 (1), 44-57, 2020
Vías para el desarrollo de actividades de innovación y su relación con el desempeño innovador
AM Serrano Bedia, C López Fernández, G García Piqueres
Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2013
El efecto del familiness en la performance innovadora de las empresas familiares: un análisis exploratorio
MCL Fernández, AMS Bedia, RG López, GG Piqueres
European Journal of Family Business 2 (2), 7-21, 2012
Exploring determinants of company‐university R&D collaboration in Spain
MC López‐Fernández, AM Serrano‐Bedia, G García‐Piqueres
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 19 (3), 361-373, 2008
Enhancing students’ learning outcomes through smartphones: A case study of using instagram in higher management education
M Obeso, M Pérez-Pérez, G García-Piqueres, AM Serrano-Bedia
The International Journal of Management Education 21 (3), 100885, 2023
How knowledge-based dynamic capabilities relate to firm performance: the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation
R Hernández-Linares, MC López-Fernández, G García-Piqueres, ...
Review of Managerial Science 18 (10), 2781-2813, 2024
Capacidad de innovación a nivel sectorial: modelización y evidencia empírica para España
G García Piqueres
Capacidad de innovación a nivel sectorial: modelización y evidencia empírica …, 2011
Estado Actual de la Investigación en Emprendimiento: Desafíos y Soluciones
AMS Bedia, MCL Fernández, MP Pérez, MP Ruiz, GG Piqueres
III Workshop de la Sección de Función Empresarial y Creación de Empresas de …, 2014
Análisis de la capacidad de innovación regional: el caso español
MC López-Fernández, AM Serrano-Bedia, G García-Piqueres
Revista Venezolana de Gerencia 16 (54), 209-232, 2011
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