Mark M. Malamud (Марк Михайлович Маламуд)
Mark M. Malamud (Марк Михайлович Маламуд)
RUDN University (Российский университет дружбы народов)
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Generalized resolvents and the boundary value problems for Hermitian operators with gaps
VA Derkach, MM Malamud
Journal of Functional Analysis 95 (1), 1-95, 1991
The extension theory of Hermitian operators and the moment problem
VA Derkach, MM Malamud
Journal of mathematical sciences 73 (2), 141-242, 1995
Boundary relations and their Weyl families
V Derkach, S Hassi, M Malamud, H De Snoo
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 358 (12), 5351-5400, 2006
1-D Schrödinger operators with local point interactions on a discrete set
AS Kostenko, MM Malamud
Journal of Differential Equations 249 (2), 253-304, 2010
On the deficiency indices and self-adjointness of symmetric Hamiltonian systems
M Lesch, M Malamud
Journal of Differential Equations 189 (2), 556-615, 2003
Generalized resolvents of symmetric operators and admissibility
HSV de Snoo, VA Derkach, S Hassi, MM Malamud
Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 6 (03), 24-55, 2000
Uniqueness questions in inverse problems for systems of differential equations on a finite interval
MM Malamud
Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 60, 173-224, 1999
On a formula of the generalized resolvents of a nondensely defined hermitian operator
MM Malamud
Ukrainian mathematical journal 44 (12), 1522-1547, 1992
Weyl function and spectral properties of self-adjoint extensions
JF Brasche, M Malamud, H Neidhardt
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 43 (3), 264-289, 2002
Boundary relations and generalized resolvents of symmetric operators
V Derkach, S Hassi, M Malamud, H de Snoo
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 16 (1), 17-60, 2009
Krein type formula for canonical resolvents of dual pairs of linear relations
MM Malamud, VI Mogilevskii
Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 8 (04), 72-100, 2002
Scattering matrices and Weyl functions
J Behrndt, MM Malamud, H Neidhardt
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 97 (3), 568-598, 2008
Similarity of Volterra operators and related questions of the theory of differential equations of fractional order
MM Malamud
Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 55, 57-122, 1994
Some classes of extensions of a Hermitian operator with lacunae
MM Malamud
Ukraın. Mat. Zh 44 (2), 215-233, 1992
On the Weyl function and Hermite operators with lacunae
VA Derkach, MM Malamud
Doklady Akademii Nauk 293 (5), 1041-1046, 1987
Spectral theory of operator measures in Hilbert space
MM Malamud, SM Malamud
Algebra i analiz 15 (3), 1-77, 2003
Spectral theory of semibounded Sturm–Liouville operators with local interactions on a discrete set
S Albeverio, A Kostenko, M Malamud
Journal of mathematical physics 51 (10), 102102, 2010
On Kreĭn's extension theory of nonnegative operators
S Hassi, M Malamud, H de Snoo
Mathematische Nachrichten 274 (1), 40-73, 2004
On the spectral theory of Gesztesy–Šeba realizations of 1-D Dirac operators with point interactions on a discrete set
R Carlone, M Malamud, A Posilicano
Journal of Differential Equations 254 (9), 3835-3902, 2013
Spectral theory of elliptic operators in exterior domains
MM Malamud
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 17 (1), 96-125, 2010
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