Carlos E. Ferreira
Cited by
Cited by
Evaluating different methods of microarray data normalization
A Fujita, JR Sato, LO Rodrigues, CE Ferreira, MC Sogayar
BMC bioinformatics 7, 1-11, 2006
Modeling gene expression regulatory networks with the sparse vector autoregressive model
A Fujita, JR Sato, HM Garay-Malpartida, R Yamaguchi, S Miyano, ...
BMC systems biology 1, 1-11, 2007
The node capacitated graph partitioning problem: a computational study
CE Ferreira, A Martin, CC De Souza, R Weismantel, LA Wolsey
Mathematical Programming 81 (2), 229-256, 1998
Dicoogle-an open source peer-to-peer PACS
C Costa, C Ferreira, L Bastião, L Ribeiro, A Silva, JL Oliveira
Journal of digital imaging 24, 848-856, 2011
Formulations and valid inequalities for the node capacitated graph partitioning problem
CE Ferreira, A Martin, CC de Souza, R Weismantel, LA Wolsey
Mathematical Programming 74, 247-266, 1996
Solving multiple knapsack problems by cutting planes
CE Ferreira, A Martin, R Weismantel
SIAM Journal on Optimization 6 (3), 858-877, 1996
Decomposing matrices into blocks
R Borndörfer, CE Ferreira, A Martin
SIAM Journal on optimization 9 (1), 236-269, 1998
Time-varying modeling of gene expression regulatory networks using the wavelet dynamic vector autoregressive method
A Fujita, JR Sato, HM Garay-Malpartida, PA Morettin, MC Sogayar, ...
Bioinformatics 23 (13), 1623-1630, 2007
Identification of COL6A1 as a differentially expressed gene in human astrocytomas
A Fujita, JR Sato, F Festa, LR Gomes, SM Oba-Shinjo, SK Marie, ...
Genet Mol Res 7 (2), 371-378, 2008
Comparing Pearson, Spearman and Hoeffding's D measure for gene expression association analysis
A Fujita, JR Sato, MAA Demasi, MC Sogayar, CE Ferreira, S Miyano
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 7 (04), 663-684, 2009
Discriminating different classes of biological networks by analyzing the graphs spectra distribution
DY Takahashi, JR Sato, CE Ferreira, A Fujita
PloS one 7 (12), e49949, 2012
BOCA: um sistema de apoio a competições de programação
CP de Campos, CE Ferreira
Workshop de Educação em Computação, 2004
Measurements of pVT, viscosity, and surface tension of trihexyltetradecylphosphonium tris (pentafluoroethyl) trifluorophosphate ionic liquid and modelling with equations of state
CE Ferreira, NMC Talavera-Prieto, IMA Fonseca, ATG Portugal, ...
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 47, 183-196, 2012
Packing squares into squares
CE Ferreira, FK Miyazawa, Y Wakabayashi
Pesquisa Operacional 19 (2), 223-237, 1999
Repetition-free longest common subsequence
SS Adi, MDV Braga, CG Fernandes, CE Ferreira, FV Martinez, MF Sagot, ...
Discrete Applied Mathematics 158 (12), 1315-1324, 2010
Combinatória poliédrica e planos-de-corte faciais
CE Ferreira, Y Wakabayashi
UNICAMP-Instituto de Computacao, 1996
Primal-dual approximation algorithms for the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem
P Feofiloff, CG Fernandes, CE Ferreira, JC de Pina
Information Processing Letters 103 (5), 195-202, 2007
Modeling nonlinear gene regulatory networks from time series gene expression data
A Fujita, JR Sato, HM Garay-Malpartida, MC Sogayar, CE Ferreira, ...
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 6 (05), 961-979, 2008
A combinatorial optimization technique for the sequential decomposition of erosions and dilations
RF Hashimoto, J Barrera, CE Ferreira
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 13 (1), 17-33, 2000
Solving the maximum edge biclique packing problem on unbalanced bipartite graphs
V Acuña, CE Ferreira, AS Freire, E Moreno
Discrete Applied Mathematics 164, 2-12, 2014
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Articles 1–20