Luiz Drude de Lacerda
Luiz Drude de Lacerda
Professor Titular da Universidade Federal do Ceará
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Restingas, origem, estrutura, processos
LD Lacerda, DSD Araújo, R Cerqueira, B Turcq
Universidade Federal Fluminense, CEUFF 1, 477, 1984
Brazilian wetlands: their definition, delineation, and classification for research, sustainable management, and protection
WJ Junk, MTF Piedade, R Lourival, F Wittmann, P Kandus, LD Lacerda, ...
Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems 24 (1), 5-22, 2014
The catchment to coast continuum
W Salomons, HH Kremer, RK Turner, EN Andreeva, RS Arthurton, ...
Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene: The Land-Ocean Interactions in the …, 2005
Ecologia de restingas e lagoas costeiras
FA Esteves, LD Lacerda
Rio de Janeiro, NUPEM-UFRJ, xii, 2000
Mercury from gold and silver mining: a chemical time bomb?
LD De Lacerda, W Salomons
Springer Science & Business Media 1, 242, 1998
Mercury inputs into the Amazon region, Brazil
WC Pfeiffer, LD de Lacerda
Environmental Technology 9 (4), 325-330, 1988
Mangrove ecosystems: function and management
LD Lacerda
Springer Science & Business Media 1, 342p, 2002
Global mercury emissions from gold and silver mining
LD Lacerda
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 97, 209-221, 1997
Mangroves of Brazil
B Kjerfve, LD Lacerda
Mangrove ecosystems technical reports. ITTO TS-13 2, 245-272, 1993
Os manguezais do Brasil
LD Lacerda
VANNUCCI, M. Os manguezais e nós: uma síntese de percepções. São Paulo …, 1999
Elevated mercury concentrations in soils, sediments, water, and fish of the Madeira River basin, Brazilian Amazon: a function of natural enrichments?
PJ Lechler, JR Miller, LD Lacerda, D Vinson, JC Bonzongo, WB Lyons, ...
Science of the Total Environment 260 (1-3), 87-96, 2000
The biogeochemistry and trace metals distribution of mangrove rhizospheres
LD Lacerda, CEV Carvalho, KF Tanizaki, ARC Ovalle, CE Rezende
Biotropica, 252-257, 1993
Metals reservoir in a red mangrove forest
CAR Silva, LD Lacerda, CE Rezende
Biotropica, 339-345, 1990
A natureza das restingas
D Araújo, L Lacerda
Ciência Hoje 33, 43-48, 1987
Degradation and conservation of Brazilian mangroves, status and perspectives
AC Ferreira, LD Lacerda
Ocean & Coastal Management 125, 38-46, 2016
Mercury in the environment and riverside population in the Madeira River Basin, Amazon, Brazil
WR Bastos, JPO Gomes, RC Oliveira, R Almeida, EL Nascimento, ...
Science of the Total environment 368 (1), 344-351, 2006
Mercury concentrations in inland waters of gold-mining areas in Rondônia, Brazil
WC Pfeiffer, LD de Lacerda, O Malm, CMM Souza, EG da Silveira, ...
Science of the Total Environment 87, 233-240, 1989
Mercury, zinc, and copper accumulation in mangrove sediments surrounding a large landfill in southeast Brazil
W Machado, M Moscatelli, LG Rezende, LD Lacerda
Environmental Pollution 120 (2), 455-461, 2002
Biogeochemistry of Mangrove Soil Organic Matter: a Comparison Between Rhizophora and Avicennia Soils in South-eastern Brazil
LD Lacerda, V Ittekkot, SR Patchineelam
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 40 (6), 713-720, 1995
Mercury anomaly, Deccan volcanism, and the end-Cretaceous mass extinction
E Font, T Adatte, AN Sial, LD de Lacerda, G Keller, J Punekar
Geology 44 (2), 171-174, 2016
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