Ivan L. M. Ricarte
Ivan L. M. Ricarte
Full Professor, University of Campinas
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Revisão sistemática da literatura: conceituação, produção e publicação
MCB Galvão, ILM Ricarte
Logeion: Filosofia da informação 6 (1), 57-73, 2019
Métodos de pesquisa mistos e revisões de literatura mistas: conceitos, construção e critérios de avaliação
MCB Galvão, P Pluye, ILM Ricarte
InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação 8 (2), 4-24, 2017
Coordination of collaborative activities: A framework for the definition of tasks interdependencies
AB Raposo, LP Magalhães, ILM Ricarte, H Fuks
Proceedings Seventh International Workshop on Groupware. CRIWG 2001, 170-179, 2001
Pensamento computacional no ensino de programação: Uma revisão sistemática da literatura brasileira
H Zanetti, M Borges, I Ricarte
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2016
Petri nets based coordination mechanisms for multi-workflow environments
AB Raposo, LP Magalhães, ILM Ricarte
Computer Systems Science and Engineering 15 (5), 315-326, 2000
Prontuário do Paciente
MCB Galvão, ILM Ricarte
Guanabara Koogan 1, 344, 2012
An agent infrastructure to set collaborative environments
CJM Olguín, ALN Delgado, ILM Ricarte
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 3 (3), 65-73, 2000
O prontuário eletrônico do paciente no século XXI: contribuições necessárias da ciência da informação
MCB Galvao, ILM Ricarte
InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação 2 (2), 77-100, 2011
Letramento e tecnologia
Campinas: CEFIEL/IEL/Unicamp, 2005
Development and content validation of the information assessment method for patients and consumers
P Pluye, V Granikov, G Bartlett, RM Grad, DL Tang, J Johnson-Lafleur, ...
JMIR research protocols 3 (1), e2908, 2014
The Clinical Relevance of Information Index (CRII): assessing the relevance of health information to the clinical practice
MCB Galvao, ILM Ricarte, RM Grad, P Pluye
Health Information & Libraries Journal 30 (2), 110-120, 2013
Identification of patient safety risks associated with electronic health records: a software quality perspective
LA Virginio Jr, ILM Ricarte
MEDINFO 2015: eHealth-enabled Health, 55-59, 2015
Usos de tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ensino superior em Enfermagem durante a pandemia da COVID-19
MCB Galvão, ILM Ricarte, C Darsie, AC Forster, JBB Ferreira, M Carneiro, ...
Brazilian Journal of Information Science, 8, 2021
Fuzzy relational ontological model in information search systems
R Pereira, I Ricarte, F Gomide
Capturing Intelligence 1, 395-412, 2006
Devising adaptive migration policies for cooperative distributed genetic algorithms
E Noda, ALV Coelho, ILM Ricarte, A Yamakami, AA Freitas
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2002 IEEE International Conference on 6, 438-443, 2002
Programação Orientada a Objetos: uma abordagem com Java
ILM Ricarte
http://www. dca. fee. unicamp. br/cursos/PooJava/Aulas/poojava. pdf> Acesso …, 2001
Physician assessments of the value of therapeutic information delivered via e-mail
R Grad, P Pluye, C Repchinsky, B Jovaisas, B Marlow, ILM Ricarte, ...
Canadian Family Physician 60 (5), e258-e262, 2014
Efficient Visualization in a mobile WWW environment
AB Raposo, L Neumann, LP Magalhaes, ILM Ricarte
Proceedings of the WebNet 97, World Conference of the WWW, Internet, and …, 1997
Number needed to benefit from information (NNBI): proposal from a mixed methods research study with practicing family physicians
P Pluye, RM Grad, J Johnson-Lafleur, V Granikov, M Shulha, B Marlow, ...
The Annals of Family Medicine 11 (6), 559-567, 2013
A reference model for intelligent information retrieval
ILM Ricarte, F Gomide
FLINT 2001 - New Directions in Enhancing the Power of Internet, 80-85, 2001
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Artigos 1–20