Gisela Consolmagno Pelegrini
Gisela Consolmagno Pelegrini
Management professor, FATEC (Brazil)
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Citado por
Does gender matter? A university ecosystem, self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention analysis in Brazilian universities
GC Pelegrini, GHSM Moraes
Gender in Management: An International Journal 37 (2), 271-286, 2022
Antecedents of big data analytics adoption: an analysis with future managers in a developing country
GHSM Moraes, GC Pelegrini, LP de Marchi, GT Pinheiro, A Cappellozza
The Bottom Line 35 (2/3), 73-89, 2022
Social media and protests engagement: What's gender got to do with it
G de Moraes, GC Pelegrini, GT Pinheiro
Journal of Content, Community and Communication 11 (6), 22-31, 2020
Entrepreneurial behaviour and education in times of adversity
AKL da Rocha, GC Pelegrini, GHSM de Moraes
Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestão de Pequenas Empresas 11 (2), 4, 2022
The influence of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on the blended value creation in knowledge-intensive green entrepreneurship= A influência do ecossistema empreendedor na criação …
GC Pelegrini
[sn], 2024
Antecedents of big data analytics adoption: an analysis with future managers in a developing country
GH Salati Marcondes de Moraes, GC Pelegrini, LP de Marchi, ...
BOTTOM LINE 35 (2/3), 17, 2022
Does gender matter?: a university environment, self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention analysis in Brazilian universities= O gênero importa?: uma análise do ambiente …
GC Pelegrini, GHSM de Moraes
[sn], 2020
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Artigos 1–7