Audun Vennesland
Audun Vennesland
Research Scientist, SINTEF
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Semantic data containers for realizing the full potential of system wide information management
B Neumayr, E Gringinger, CG Schuetz, M Schrefl, S Wilson, ...
2017 IEEE/AIAA 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-10, 2017
The SCALES framework for identifying and extracting resilience related indicators: preliminary findings of a go-around case study
IA Herrera, A Pasquini, M Ragosta, A Vennesland
Proceedings of the SESAR Innovation Days, 1-8, 2014
Flexible organisation of multimodal travel information services
MK Natvig, A Vennesland
IET intelligent transport systems 4 (4), 401-412, 2010
A pattern-based framework for best practice implementation of CRM/FRBRoo
T Aalberg, A Vennesland, M Farrokhnia
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems: ADBIS 2015 Short Papers and …, 2015
Matching Ontologies for Air Traffic Management: a Comparison and Reference Alignment of the AIRM and NASA ATM Ontologies.
A Vennesland, RM Keller, CG Schuetz, E Gringinger, B Neumayr
OM@ ISWC, 1-12, 2019
A comparative study of two complex ontologies in air traffic management
E Gringinger, RM Keller, A Vennesland, CG Schuetz, B Neumayr
2019 IEEE/AIAA 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-9, 2019
Matcher composition for identification of subsumption relations in ontology matching
A Vennesland
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, 154-161, 2017
Empirical evaluation of the quality of conceptual models based on user perceptions: A case study in the transport domain
DS Cruzes, A Vennesland, MK Natvig
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 414-428, 2013
A common language for logistics services interoperability
M González-Rodríguez, A Vennesland, S Dalmolen
2015 4th International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT …, 2015
Automated Compliance Verification in ATM using Principles from Ontology Matching.
A Vennesland, J Gorman, S Wilson, B Neumayr, CG Schuetz
KEOD, 39-50, 2018
Towards a measure of Resilience
A Pasquini, M Ragosta, IA Herrera, A Vennesland
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Application and Theory of …, 2015
Providing packages of relevant ATM information: An ontology-based approach
B Neumayr, CG Schuetz, E Gringinger, C Fabianek, A Vennesland, ...
Journal of Air Transport Management 90, 101937, 2021
The Case for Contextualized Knowledge Graphs in Air Traffic Management.
CG Schuetz, B Neumayr, M Schrefl, E Gringinger, A Vennesland, ...
CKGSemStats@ ISWC, 8, 2018
AIRM-O–ATM Information Reference Model Ontology
A Vennesland, B Neumayr, CG Schuetz, A Savulov, S Wilson, ...
Technical Report. https://w3id. org/airm-o/ontology, 2017
A novel vision for navigation and enrichment in cultural heritage collections
J Decourselle, A Vennesland, T Aalberg, F Duchateau, N Lumineau
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems: ADBIS 2015 Short Papers and …, 2015
Towards a Semantic Matchmaking Algorithm for Capacity Exchange in Manufacturing Supply Chains.
A Vennesland, JC de Man, PH Haro, E Arica, M Oliveira
KEOD, 466-472, 2019
Systematic mapping of scientific publications on MaaS
MK Natvig, E Stav, A Vennesland
Management Review Quarterly, 1-36, 2023
False-positive reduction in ontology matching based on concepts’ domain similarity
A Vennesland, T Aalberg
Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge: 22nd International Conference on …, 2018
Towards scalability guidelines for semantic data container management
G Brataas, B Neumayr, CG Schuetz, A Vennesland
Companion of the 2018 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance …, 2018
The Semantic Container Approach: Techniques for ontology-based data description and discovery in a decentralized SWIM knowledge base
E Gringinger, C Fabianek, C Schütz, B Neumayr, M Schrefl, A Vennesland, ...
Proceedings of the SESAR Innovation Days, 2018
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