Ruairí Brett
Ruairí Brett
Postdoctoral Scientist, The George Washington University
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Three pion spectrum in the channel from lattice QCD
C Culver, M Mai, R Brett, A Alexandru, M Döring
Physical Review D 101 (11), 114507, 2020
Determination of s-and p-wave I= 1/2 Kπ scattering amplitudes in Nf= 2+ 1 lattice QCD
R Brett, J Bulava, J Fallica, A Hanlon, B Hörz, C Morningstar
Nuclear Physics B 932, 29-51, 2018
Estimating the two-particle K-matrix for multiple partial waves and decay channels from finite-volume energies
C Morningstar, J Bulava, B Singha, R Brett, J Fallica, A Hanlon, B Hörz
Nuclear Physics B 924, 477-507, 2017
Finite-volume energy spectrum of the system
A Alexandru, R Brett, C Culver, M Döring, D Guo, FX Lee, M Mai
Physical Review D 102 (11), 114523, 2020
Three-body interactions from the finite-volume QCD spectrum
R Brett, C Culver, M Mai, A Alexandru, M Döring, FX Lee
Physical Review D 104 (1), 014501, 2021
Three-Body Dynamics of the Resonance from Lattice QCD
M Mai, A Alexandru, R Brett, C Culver, M Döring, FX Lee, D Sadasivan, ...
Physical Review Letters 127 (22), 222001, 2021
Spectrum of digitized QCD: Glueballs in a gauge theory
A Alexandru, PF Bedaque, R Brett, H Lamm
Physical Review D 105 (11), 114508, 2022
Pole position of the resonance in a three-body unitary framework
D Sadasivan, A Alexandru, H Akdag, F Amorim, R Brett, C Culver, ...
Physical Review D 105 (5), 054020, 2022
Spectroscopy from the lattice: The scalar glueball
R Brett, J Bulava, D Darvish, J Fallica, A Hanlon, B Hörz, C Morningstar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.07306, 2019
Setting the scale for nHYP fermions with the Lüscher-Weisz gauge action
H Niyazi, A Alexandru, FX Lee, R Brett
Physical Review D 102 (9), 094506, 2020
Higher order finite volume quantization conditions for two spinless particles
FX Lee, A Alexandru, R Brett
Physical Review D 105 (5), 054517, 2022
Including tetraquark operators in the low-lying scalar meson sectors in lattice QCD
D Darvish, R Brett, J Bulava, J Fallica, A Hanlon, B Hörz, C Morningstar
AIP Conference Proceedings 2249 (1), 2020
Higher order quantization conditions for two spinless particles
FX Lee, A Alexandru, R Brett
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.03750, 2021
Validation of the finite-volume quantization condition for two spinless particles
FX Lee, A Alexandru, R Brett
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2107.04430, 2021
The Scalar Glueball and K-pi Scattering from Lattice QCD
R Brett
Carnegie Mellon University, 2019
Scattering phase shift determinations from a two-scalar field theory
D Darvish, R Brett, J Bulava, J Fallica, A Hanlon, C Morningstar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11433, 2018
scattering and excited meson spectroscopy using the stochastic LapH method
R Brett, J Bulava, J Fallica, A Hanlon, B Hörz, C Morningstar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11311, 2018
Scattering from finite-volume energies including higher partial waves and multiple decay channels
R Brett, J Bulava, J Fallica, A Hanlon, B Hörz, C Morningstar, B Singha
EPJ Web of Conferences 175, 05005, 2018
Binder Cumulants for the Ising Model using Worm algorithms
R Brett
Validation of the Lüscher Method on the Lattice
F Lee, A Alexandru, R Brett
APS April Meeting Abstracts 2021, Y08. 001, 2021
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