Sehrish Khan Tayyaba
Sehrish Khan Tayyaba
COMSATS University, Islamabad
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5G vehicular network resource management for improving radio access through machine learning
SK Tayyaba, HA Khattak, A Almogren, MA Shah, IU Din, I Alkhalifa, ...
IEEE Access 8, 6792-6800, 2020
Software defined network (sdn) based internet of things (iot) a road ahead
SK Tayyaba, MA Shah, OA Khan, AW Ahmed
Proceedings of the international conference on future networks and …, 2017
Software-defined networks (SDNs) and internet of things (IoTs): a qualitative prediction for 2020
SK Tayyaba, MA Shah, NSA Khan, Y Asim, W Naeem, M Kamran
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (11), 2016
Resource allocation in SDN based 5G cellular networks
SK Tayyaba, MA Shah
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 12 (2), 514-538, 2019
5G cellular network integration with SDN: Challenges, issues and beyond
SK Tayyaba, MA Shah
2017 International conference on communication, computing and digital …, 2017
Resource allocation using Fog-2-Cloud based environment for smart buildings
S Javaid, N Javaid, SK Tayyaba, NA Sattar, B Ruqia, M Zahid
2018 14th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing …, 2018
NPRA: Novel policy framework for resource allocation in 5G software defined networks
SK Tayyaba, A Akhunzada, NU Amin, MA Shah, F Khan, I Ali
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Mobile Communications and Applications 4 (13), 2018
Comparative study of routing strategies in software defined networking
S Khan, A Wahid, S Tanvir
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 696-702, 2016
Routing Techniques in Software Defined Networks: A Survey
SK Tayyaba, S Tanvir, N Javaid
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