Marcus Antonio Viana Duarte
Marcus Antonio Viana Duarte
Professor Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
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An explainable artificial intelligence approach for unsupervised fault detection and diagnosis in rotating machinery
LC Brito, GA Susto, JN Brito, MAV Duarte
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 163, 108105, 2022
Tool wear monitoring in micromilling using support vector machine with vibration and sound sensors
MC Gomes, LC Brito, MB da Silva, MAV Duarte
Precision Engineering 67, 137-151, 2021
Identification of cutting tool wear condition in turning using self-organizing map trained with imbalanced data
LC Brito, MB da Silva, MAV Duarte
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 32 (1), 127-140, 2021
Fault Diagnosis using eXplainable AI: A transfer learning-based approach for rotating machinery exploiting augmented synthetic data
LC Brito, GA Susto, JN Brito, MAV Duarte
Expert Systems with Applications 232, 120860, 2023
An optimisation procedure to determine the coefficients of the extended Taylor's equation in machining
ALB Dos Santos, MAV Duarte, AM Abrao, AR Machado
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 39 (1), 17-31, 1999
Vibração e ruído emitidos por dois tratores agrícolas
JPAR da Cunha, MA Viana Duarte, CMA de Souza
Idesia (Arica) 30 (1), 25-34, 2012
Avaliação dos níveis de vibração e ruído emitidos por um trator agrícola em preparo de solo
JPAR da Cunha, MAV Duarte, JC Rodrigues
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical 39 (4), 348-355, 2009
Detecção de falhas em rolamentos por análise de vibração
RA Bezerra, R Pederiva
Doutorado em Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas …, 2004
Fault detection of bearing: An unsupervised machine learning approach exploiting feature extraction and dimensionality reduction
LC Brito, GA Susto, JN Brito, MAV Duarte
Informatics 8 (4), 85, 2021
Automatic grinding burn recognition based on time-frequency analysis and convolutional neural networks
HB Hübner, MAV Duarte, RB da Silva
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 110 (7), 1833 …, 2020
A comparative study of two indirect methods to monitor surface integrity of ground components
HB Hübner, RB da Silva, MAV Duarte, MB da Silva, FI Ferreira, ...
Structural Health Monitoring 19 (6), 1856-1870, 2020
Active noise control in acoustic shutters
IJC Nunez, JGO Miranda, MV Duarte
Applied Acoustics 152, 41-46, 2019
Application of the topological optimization technique to the stents cells design for angioplasty
TA Guimarães, SAG Oliveira, MA Duarte
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 30 …, 2008
Física do futebol: mecânica
M Duarte, E Okuno
Oficina de Textos, 2012
Updating rotor-bearing finite element models using experimental frequency response functions
JRF Arruda, MAV Duarte
RBCM-J. of the Braz. Soc. Mechanical Sciences 15 (2), 136-149, 1993
thresholdmodeling: A Python package for modeling excesses over a threshold using the Peak-Over-Threshold Method and the Generalized Pareto Distribution
IP Lemos, AMG Lima, MAV Duarte
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (46), 2013, 2020
Descripción de los sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas más utilizados en Colombia y análisis de la situación actual de los vertimientos directos de los …
M Duarte, M Galindo
Universidal Nacional Abierta ya Distancia, Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2018
A correlation function for thermal properties estimation applied to a large thickness sample with a single surface sensor
SMM Lima e Silva, MAV Duarte, G Guimarães
Review of Scientific Instruments 69 (9), 3290-3297, 1998
Experimental study of micromilling operation of stainless steel
MC Gomes, MB da Silva, MAV Duarte
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 111, 3123-3139, 2020
Ajuste de modelos dinamicos de estruturas com não linearidade concentradas
MAV Duarte
[sn], 1994
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Artigos 1–20