Clarice  Listik
Clarice Listik
PhD student at Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Cited by
The Parkinson disease pain classification system: results from an international mechanism-based classification approach
V Mylius, SP Lloret, RG Cury, MJ Teixeira, VR Barbosa, ER Barbosa, ...
Pain 162 (4), 1201-1210, 2021
Posterior-superior insular deep transcranial magnetic stimulation alleviates peripheral neuropathic pain—A pilot double-blind, randomized cross-over study
L Dongyang, AM Fernandes, PHM da Cunha, R Tibes, J Sato, C Listik, ...
Neurophysiologie Clinique 51 (4), 291-302, 2021
HIV-associated opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome: early infection, immune reconstitution syndrome or secondary to other diseases? Case report and literature review
BF Guedes, MAA Vieira Filho, C Listik, RB Carra, CB Pereira, ER Silva, ...
Journal of NeuroVirology 24, 123-127, 2018
Pharmacological treatment of central neuropathic pain: consensus of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology
RAA Oliveira, AF Baptista, KN Sá, LM Barbosa, OJM Nascimento, C Listik, ...
Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 78, 741-752, 2020
PUS3 mutations are associated with intellectual disability, leukoencephalopathy, and nephropathy
ARB de Paiva, DS Lynch, US Melo, LT Lucato, F Freua, BDR de Assis, ...
Neurology: Genetics 5 (1), e306, 2019
Deep brain stimulation treatment in dystonia: a bibliometric analysis
C Listik, E Listik, RG Cury, ER Barbosa, MJ Teixeira, DC de ANDRADE
Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 78 (09), 586-592, 2020
Sorting pain out of salience: assessment of pain facial expressions in the human fetus
LS Bernardes, MA Carvalho, SB Harnik, MJ Teixeira, J Ottolia, D Castro, ...
Pain reports 6 (1), e882, 2021
Dry needling has lasting analgesic effect in shoulder pain: a double-blind, sham-controlled trial
MYB Pai, JT Toma, HHS Kaziyama, C Listik, R Galhardoni, LT Yeng, ...
Pain Reports 6 (2), e939, 2021
Dissecting neuropathic from poststroke pain: the white matter within
MD Lemos, I Faillenot, LT Lucato, MJ Teixeira, LM Barbosa, EJL Alho, ...
Pain 163 (4), 765-778, 2022
Deep brain stimulation in patients with isolated generalized dystonia caused by PRKRA mutation
SCB Casagrande, C Listik, DB Coelho, JCP Limongi, LA Teixeira, ...
Movement disorders clinical practice 6 (7), 616, 2019
Development and validation of the dystonia‐pain classification system: a multicenter study
C Listik, E Listik, F de Paiva Santos Rolim, DM Meneses Cury Portela, ...
Movement Disorders 38 (7), 1163-1174, 2023
Sifting the wheat from the chaff? Evidence for the existence of an asymmetric fibromyalgia phenotype
H H Kaziyama, J Barbour, R Galhardoni, V Aparecida da Silva, ...
European Journal of Pain 24 (8), 1635-1647, 2020
Targeting the hot spot in a patient with essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease: Tractography matters
C Listik, N Santiago, PR Reis, F Godinho, K Duarte, MJ Teixeira, ...
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 174, 230-232, 2018
Abnormal sensory thresholds of dystonic patients are not affected by deep brain stimulation
C Listik, RG Cury, VA da Silva, SCB Casagrande, E Listik, N Link, ...
European Journal of Pain 25 (6), 1355-1366, 2021
Improvement of non-motor symptoms and quality of life after deep brain stimulation for refractory dystonia: A 1-year follow-up
C Listik, RG Cury, SCB Casagrande, E Listik, D Arnaut, N Santiago, ...
Frontiers in Neurology 12, 717239, 2021
Rescue subthalamic deep brain stimulation for refractory meige syndrome
VT Aragão, SC Barbosa Casagrande, C Listik, MJ Teixeira, ER Barbosa, ...
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 99 (5), 451-453, 2021
H ägele-Link S, Beer S, Rizos A, Chaudhuri KR, Bouhassira D, Lefaucheur JP, Timmermann L, Gonzenbach R, K ägi G, Moller JC, Ciampi de Andrade D. The Parkinson disease pain …
V Mylius, SP Lloret, RG Cury, MJ Teixeira, VR Barbosa, ER Barbosa, ...
PAIN 162, 1201-10, 2021
Aparecida da Silva V, Rosi J, Ciampi de Andrade D. Posterior-superior insular deep transcranial magnetic stimulation alleviates peripheral neuropathic pain—a pilot double …
L Dongyang, AM Fernandes, PHM da Cunha, R Tibes, J Sato, C Listik, ...
Neurophysiol Clin 51, 291-302, 2021
Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration: A case report
C Listik, GCL Machado-Porto, MO Oliveira, FHG Porto
Dementia & Neuropsychologia 6, 59-63, 2012
Should the Globus Pallidus Targeting Be Refined in Dystonia?
JD da Silva Lapa, FLF Godinho, MJ Teixeira, C Listik, RF Iglesio, ...
Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery 83 (04 …, 2022
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Articles 1–20