Guilherme Avelino
Guilherme Avelino
Computer Science Department, Federal University of Piaui
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Cited by
A novel approach for estimating truck factors
G Avelino, L Passos, A Hora, MT Valente
2016 IEEE 24th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 1-10, 2016
On the abandonment and survival of open source projects: An empirical investigation
G Avelino, E Constantinou, MT Valente, A Serebrenik
2019 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and …, 2019
Measuring and analyzing code authorship in 1+ 118 open source projects
G Avelino, L Passos, A Hora, MT Valente
Science of Computer Programming 176, 14-32, 2019
Who can maintain this code?: Assessing the effectiveness of repository-mining techniques for identifying software maintainers
G Avelino, L Passos, F Petrillo, MT Valente
IEEE Software 36 (6), 34-42, 2018
Assessing code authorship: The case of the Linux kernel
G Avelino, L Passos, A Hora, MT Valente
IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems, 151-163, 2017
What is the Truck Factor of popular GitHub applications? A first assessment
G Avelino, MT Valente, A Hora
PeerJ PrePrints 3, e1233v2, 2015
Low-code and no-code technologies adoption: a gray literature review
JX Silva, M Lopes, G Avelino, P Santos
Proceedings of the XIX Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 388-395, 2023
A comparative study of algorithms for estimating truck factor
M Ferreira, G Avelino, MT Valente, KAM Ferreira
2016 X Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse …, 2016
Identifying Source Code File Experts
O Cury, G Avelino, P Santos Neto, R Britto, M Túlio Valente
Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical …, 2022
End-to-end software construction using Chatgpt: an experience report
M Monteiro, BC Branco, S Silvestre, G Avelino, MT Valente
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.14843, 2023
Automatic detection of usability smells in web applications running in mobile devices
MI Limaylla Lunarejo, PA Santos Neto, G Avelino, RS Britto
Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 1-8, 2020
Source code expert identification: Models and application
O Cury, G Avelino, PS Neto, MT Valente, R Britto
Information and Software Technology, 107445, 2024
Uma Análise da Co-Evolução de Teste em Projetos de Software no GitHub
C Miranda, G Avelino, PS Neto, V da Silva
Anais do IX Workshop de Visualização, Evolução e Manutenção de Software, 36-40, 2021
Assignment of bug reports to software developers using a multi-population evolutionary method
KL Araujo, LF Mendes, G Avelino, R Rabelo, E Osaba
2022 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-6, 2022
HealthyEnv: a tool to assist in health assessment of software repositories
D Winter, G Avelino, C Miranda
Proceedings of the XXXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 382-387, 2022
SysRepoAnalysis: A tool to analyze and identify critical areas of source code repositories
A Sousa, G Ribeiro, G Avelino, L Rocha, R Britto
Proceedings of the XXXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 376-381, 2022
ArchGraph: Modularizaçao Automática de Sistemas Usando Clusterizaçao de Grafos de Dependência
GA Avelino, MT Valente
II Workshop de Visualização, Evolução e Manutenção de Software (VEM), 2014
Integração de linguagens funcionais à plataforma. NET utilizando o framework Phoenix
GA Avelino
Análise Comparativa de Frameworks para Instrumentação de Código .NET
GA Avelino
Trabalho não publicado, 2006
An Automated Approach to Identify Source Code Files Affected by Architectural Technical Debt
A Sousa, L Rocha, R Britto, G Avelino
International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement …, 2024
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Articles 1–20