Saulo P. Oliveira
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Cited by
Dispersion analysis of spectral element methods for elastic wave propagation
G Seriani, SP Oliveira
Wave motion 45 (6), 729-744, 2008
Optimal blended spectral-element operators for acoustic wave modeling
G Seriani, SP Oliveira
Geophysics 72 (5), SM95-SM106, 2007
Streamline design of stability parameters for advection–diffusion problems
I Harari, LP Franca, SP Oliveira
Journal of Computational Physics 171 (1), 115-131, 2001
Effect of element distortion on the numerical dispersion of spectral element methods
SP Oliveira, G Seriani
Communications in Computational Physics 9 (4), 937-958, 2011
Pressure bubbles stabilization features in the Stokes problem
LP Franca, SP Oliveira
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 192 (16-18), 1929-1937, 2003
EdgeDetectPFI: An algorithm for automatic edge detection in potential field anomaly images–application to dike-like magnetic structures
SP Oliveira, FJF Ferreira, J de Souza
Computers & Geosciences 103, 80-91, 2017
Mapping subsurface structural lineaments using the edge filters of gravity data
LT Pham, AM Eldosouky, O Melouah, K Abdelrahman, H Alzahrani, ...
Journal of King Saud University-Science 33 (8), 101594, 2021
Spectral element approximation of Fredholm integral eigenvalue problems
SP Oliveira, JS Azevedo
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 257, 46-56, 2014
A space–time multiscale method for computing statistical moments in strongly heterogeneous poroelastic media of evolving scales
JS Azevedo, MA Murad, MR Borges, SP Oliveira
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 90 (6), 671-706, 2012
DFT modal analysis of spectral element methods for acoustic wave propagation
G Seriani, SP Oliveira
Journal of Computational Acoustics 16 (04), 531-561, 2008
Delineation of structural lineaments of the Southwest Sub-basin (East Vietnam Sea) using global marine gravity model from CryoSat-2 and Jason-1 satellites
LT Pham, SP Oliveira, MH Le, PT Trinh, TV Vu, VH Duong, TNT Ngo, ...
Geocarto International 37 (25), 7681-7698, 2022
A new methodology for computing ionic profiles and disjoining pressure in swelling porous media
AC Rocha, MA Murad, C Moyne, SP Oliveira, TD Le
Computational Geosciences 20, 975-996, 2016
Numerical analysis of a collocation method for functional integral equations
AM Rocha, JS Azevedo, SP Oliveira, MR Correa
Applied Numerical Mathematics 134, 31-45, 2018
Magnetic interpretation of the Paranaguá Terrane, southern Brazil by signum transform
JD Weihermann, FJF Ferreira, SP Oliveira, LF Cury, J de Souza
Journal of Applied Geophysics 154, 116-127, 2018
A numerical comparison between quasi-Monte Carlo and sparse grid stochastic collocation methods
J dos Santos Azevedo, SP Oliveira
Communications in Computational Physics 12 (4), 1051-1069, 2012
Constraining Euler deconvolution solutions through combined tilt derivative filters
FR Castro, SP Oliveira, J de Souza, FJF Ferreira
Pure and Applied Geophysics 177, 4883-4895, 2020
Numerical modeling of mechanical wave propagation
G Seriani, SP Oliveira
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 43 (9), 459-514, 2020
A stable finite difference method based on upward continuation to evaluate vertical derivatives of potential field data
SP Oliveira, LT Pham
Pure and Applied Geophysics 179 (12), 4555-4566, 2022
Weighted quadrature rules for finite element methods
SP Oliveira, AL Madureira, F Valentin
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 227 (1), 93-101, 2009
A balanced edge detector for aeromagnetic data
VT Jorge, SP Oliveira, LT Pham
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 45 (3), 326-337, 2023
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Articles 1–20