Eduardo Moreno
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Cited by
A new algorithm for the open-pit mine production scheduling problem
R Chicoisne, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, E Rubio
Operations Research 60 (3), 517-528, 2011
MineLib: A Library of Open Pit Mining Problems
D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, A Newman
Annals of Operations Research 206 (1), 91-114, 2012
Outer approximation and submodular cuts for maximum capture facility location problems with random utilities
I Ljubić, E Moreno
European Journal of Operational Research 266 (1), 45-56, 2017
Linear models for stockpiling in open-pit mine production scheduling problems
E Moreno, M Rezakhah, A Newman, F Ferreira
European Journal of Operational Research 260 (1), 212-221, 2017
Traffic Engineering in Segment Routing Networks
E Moreno, A Beghelli, F Cugini
Computer Networks 114, 23-31, 2017
Chance-constrained problems and rare events: an importance sampling approach
J Barrera, T Homem-de-Mello, E Moreno, BK Pagnoncelli, G Canessa
Mathematical Programming 157 (1), 153–189, 2016
Large-scale multi-period precedence constrained knapsack problem: A mining application
E Moreno, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 407-414, 2010
A study of the Bienstock–Zuckerberg algorithm: applications in mining and resource constrained project scheduling
G Muñoz, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, M Queyranne, ...
Computational Optimization and Applications 69 (2), 501-534, 2018
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the maximum capture problem with random utilities
AS Freire, E Moreno, WF Yushimito
European Journal of Operational Research 252 (1), 204-212, 2016
Production Scheduling for Strategic Open Pit Mine Planning: A Mixed-Integer Programming Approach
O Rivera Letelier, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, G Muñoz
Operations Research 68 (5), 1424-1444, 2020
Topological optimization of reliable networks under dependent failures
J Barrera, H Cancela, E Moreno
Operations Research Letters 43 (2), 132-136, 2015
Integrated traffic-transit stochastic equilibrium model with park-and-ride facilities
C Pineda, CE Cortés, P Jara-Moroni, E Moreno
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 71, 86-107, 2016
A primal-dual aggregation algorithm for minimizing Conditional-Value-at-Risk in linear programs
D Espinoza, E Moreno
Computational Optimization and Applications 59 (3), 617-638, 2014
Practical performance of an open pit mine scheduling model considering blending and stockpiling
M Rezakhah, E Moreno, A Newman
Computers & Operations Research 115, 104638, 2020
Robust Planning for an Open-Pit Mining Problem under Ore-Grade Uncertainty
G Lagos, D Espinoza, E Moreno, J Amaya
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 37, 15-20, 2011
A scalable approach to optimal block scheduling
J Amaya, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, T Prevost, E Rubio
Proceedings of APCOM, 567-575, 2009
Stochastic transit equilibrium
CE Cortés, P Jara-Moroni, E Moreno, C Pineda
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 51, 29-44, 2013
Corrigendum to “On the theorem of Fredricksen and Maiorana about de Bruijn sequences”[Adv. in Appl. Math. 33 (2)(2004) 413–415]
E Moreno, D Perrin
Advances in Applied Mathematics 62, 184-187, 2015
Solving the maximum edge biclique packing problem on unbalanced bipartite graphs
V Acuña, CE Ferreira, AS Freire, E Moreno
Discrete Applied Mathematics 164, 2-12, 2014
On the theorem of Fredricksen and Maiorana about de Bruijn sequences
E Moreno
Advances in Applied Mathematics 33 (2), 413-415, 2004
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Articles 1–20