Teresa de Noronha
Teresa de Noronha
Full Professor of Economics
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The multifunctional use of urban greenspace
E Van Leeuwen, P Nijkamp, T de Noronha Vaz
International journal of agricultural sustainability 8 (1-2), 20-25, 2010
Interaction between innovation in small firms and their environments: An exploratory study
MT De Noronha Vaz, M Cesário, S Fernandes
European Planning Studies 14 (1), 95-117, 2006
Modelling innovation support systems for regional development–analysis of cluster structures in innovation in Portugal
E Vaz, T de Noronha Vaz, PV Galindo, P Nijkamp
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 26 (1-2), 23-46, 2014
A differentiation framework for maritime clusters: Comparisons across Europe
P Monteiro, T De Noronha, P Neto
Sustainability 5 (9), 4076-4105, 2013
Exploratory landscape metrics for agricultural sustainability
E Vaz, T De Noronha, P Nijkamp
Agroecology and sustainable food systems 38 (1), 92-108, 2014
Institutional capacity to dynamically innovate: an application to the Portuguese case
PV Galindo, T de Noronha Vaz, P Nijkamp
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78 (1), 3-12, 2011
Innovation in small firms and dynamics of local development
T de Noronha Vaz, J Viaene, M Wigier
Scholar Publishing House, 2004
Framing urban habitats: The small and medium towns in the peripheries
T de Noronha, E Vaz
Habitat International 45, 147-155, 2015
The new european rurality: strategies for small firms
T de Noronha Vaz, EJ Morgan, P Nijkamp
Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2006
Towns in a rural world
T de Noronha Vaz, E van Leeuwen
Routledge, 2016
Driving forces for innovation: are they measurable?
MT De Noronha Vaz, M Cesário
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 4 (1-2), 30-50, 2008
Sustainability in the trans–border regions? The case of Andalusia-Algarve
JA Domínguez, TD Noronha, E Vaz
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 14 (1-2), 151-163, 2015
Innovative firms behind the regions: Analysis of regional innovation performance in Portugal by external logistic biplots
T de Noronha Vaz, PV Galindo, E de Noronha Vaz, P Nijkamp
European Urban and Regional Studies 22 (3), 329-344, 2015
How corporations deal with reporting sustainability: Assessment using the multicriteria logistic biplot approach
P Vicente Galindo, E Vaz, T De Noronha
Systems 3 (1), 6-26, 2015
Accessibility, innovative milleux and the innovative activity of businesses in the EU peripheral and lagging areas
A Copus, D Skuras, TN Vaz, EJ Morgan, P Nijkamp
The New European rurality: Strategies for small firms, 29-40, 2006
Theoretical foundations in support of small and medium towns
T de Noronha, E Vaz
Sustainability 12 (13), 5312, 2020
Understanding the ways and the dynamics of collaborative innovation processes: The case of the maritime cluster of the Algarve region (Portugal)
JPV da Silva Monteiro, PA Neto, MT Noronha
Urban, Planning and Transport Research 2 (1), 247-264, 2014
Traditional food production and rural sustainable development: a European challenge
JPH Poon, M Taylor
Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2012
Desenvolvimento regional e inovação empresarial: o impacto do desenvolvimento local nas determinantes de inovação das pequenas empresas
T Noronha
Revista Paranaense de Desenvolvimento 108, 7-25, 2006
Cause-related marketing influence on consumer loyalty in a medium-sized city
S Molinillo, P Mercadé-Melé, T De Noronha
Sustainability 12 (9), 3632, 2020
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Articles 1–20