Ігор Гребеннік, Igor Grebennik, Игорь Гребенник
Ігор Гребеннік, Igor Grebennik, Игорь Гребенник
Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics
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Методы и средства принятия решений в социально-экономических и технических системах
ЭГ Петров, МВ Новожилова, ИВ Гребенник, НА Соколова
Херсон: ОЛДІ-плюс, 2003
Методи і засоби прийняття рішень у соціально-економічних системах
ЕГ Петров, МВ Новожилова, ІВ Гребеннік
К.: Техніка, 15-16, 2004
Combinatorial configurations in balance layout optimization problems
IV Grebennik, AA Kovalenko, TE Romanova, IA Urniaieva, ...
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 54, 221-231, 2018
Localization of solutions of some problems of nonlinear integer optimization
SV Yakovlev, IV Grebennik
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 29 (5), 727-734, 1993
Packing n-dimensional parallelepipeds with the feasibility of changing their orthogonal orientation in an n-dimensional parallelepiped
IV Grebennik, AV Pankratov, AM Chugay, AV Baranov
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 46, 793-802, 2010
Математичні моделі та методи комбінаторної оптимізації в геометричному проектуванні
ІВ Гребеннік
Автореферат дис.... д-ра техн. наук 1 (05), 02, 2006
The concept of a regional information-analytical system for emergency situations
I Grebennik, O Khriapkin, A Ovezgeldyyev, V Pisklakova, I Urniaieva
Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction: Second IFIP TC 5 DCITDRR …, 2019
Optimized packings in space engineering applications: Part II
Y Stoyan, I Grebennik, T Romanova, A Kovalenko
Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering: State of the Art and New …, 2019
Scheduling freight trains in rail-rail transshipment yards with train arrangements
I Grebennik, R Dupas, O Lytvynenko, I Urniaieva
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 10 (10), 12, 2017
Scheduling Freight Trains in Rail-rail Transshipment Yards with Train Arrangements
IU Igor Grebennik, Rémy Dupas, Oleksandr Lytvynenko
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA) 9 (10 …, 2017
Generating combinatorial sets with given properties
IV Grebennik, OS Lytvynenko
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 48, 890-898, 2012
An Heuristic Approach to Solving the one-to-one Pickup and Delivery Problem with Three-dimensional Loading Constraints
OB Rémy Dupas, Igor Grebennik, Oleksandr Lytvynenko
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS …, 2017
Методи підтримки прийняття рішень: навч. посібник
ІВ Гребеннік, ТЄ Романова, АД Тевяшев, ГМ Яськов
Харків: ХНУРЕ, 2010
О некоторых классах задач оптимизации на множестве размещений и их свойствах
СВ Яковлев, ИВ Гребенник
Известия высших учебных заведений. Математика, 74-86, 1991
Strategy of effective decision-making in planning and elimination of consequences of emergency situations
I Grebennik, V Reshetnik, A Ovezgeldyyev, V Ivanov, I Urniaieva
International Conference on Information Technology in Disaster Risk …, 2018
Description and Generation of Combinatorial Sets Having Special Characteristics (< Special Issue> Bilevel Programming, Optimization Methods, and Applications to Economics)
International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences: the …, 2013
Packing convex 3D objects with special geometric and balancing conditions
T Romanova, I Litvinchev, I Grebennik, A Kovalenko, I Urniaieva, ...
International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization, 273-281, 2019
Description and generation of permutations containing cycles
IV Grebennik
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 46, 945-952, 2010
Упаковка n-мерных параллелепипедов с возможностью изменения их ортогональной ориентации в n-мерном параллелепипеде
ИВ Гребенник, АВ Панкратов, АМ Чугай, АВ Баранов
Кибернетика и системный анализ, 122-131, 2010
Solution strategy for one-to-one pickup and delivery problem using the cyclic transfer approach
R Dupas, I Grebennik, I Litvinchev, T Romanova, O Chorna
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web 7 (27), 1-9, 2020
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