Philip A. Wilsey
Philip A. Wilsey
Professor of Electrical Enginering and Computer Science, Univ of Cincinnati
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Comparative analysis of periodic state saving techniques in Time Warp simulators
J Fleischmann, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the ninth workshop on Parallel and distributed simulation, 50-58, 1995
An analytical comparison of periodic checkpointing and incremental state saving
AC Palaniswamy, PA Wilsey
ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest 23 (1), 127-134, 1993
WARPED: A time warp simulation kernel for analysis and application development
DE Martin, TJ McBrayer, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of HICSS-29: 29th Hawaii International Conference on System …, 1996
Optical asset tracking system
P Wilsey, F Beyette, D Dieckman, D Martin
US Patent App. 10/725,250, 2005
Optical communication imager
F Beyette, D Dieckman, D Martin, P Wilsey
US Patent App. 10/306,555, 2004
An object-oriented time warp simulation kernel
R Radhakrishnan, DE Martin, M Chetlur, D Madhava Rao, PA Wilsey
International Symposium on Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel …, 1998
Unsynchronized parallel discrete event simulation
DM Rao, NV Thondugulam, R Radhakrishnan, PA Wilsey
1998 Winter Simulation Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No. 98CH36274) 2, 1563-1570, 1998
pGVT: An algorithm for accurate GVT estimation
LM D'Souza, X Fan, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the eighth workshop on Parallel and distributed simulation …, 1994
Optimizing communication in Time-Warp simulators
M Chetlur, N Abu-Gazaleh, R Radhakrishnan, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the twelfth workshop on Parallel and distributed simulation …, 1998
Adaptive bounded time windows in an optimistically synchronized simulator
AC Palaniswamy, PA Wilsey
[1993] Proceedings Third Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI-Design Automation of …, 1993
Lock-free pending event set management in time warp
S Gupta, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced …, 2014
SAVANT/TyVIS/WARPED: Components for the analysis and simulation of VHDL
PA Wilsey, DE Martin, K Subramani
Proceedings International Verilog HDL Conference and VHDL International …, 1998
Scheduling Time Warp processes using adaptive control techniques
AC Palaniswamy, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, 731-738, 1994
Design and performance evaluation of binary code packing for protecting embedded software against reverse engineering
MJ Kim, JY Lee, HY Chang, SJ Cho, Y Park, M Park, PA Wilsey
2010 13th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented …, 2010
Simulation of ultra-large communication networks
DM Rao, PA Wilsey
MASCOTS'99. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Modeling …, 1999
Event pool structures for PDES on many-core Beowulf clusters
T Dickman, S Gupta, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced …, 2013
Analysis and simulation of mixed-technology VLSI systems
DE Martin, R Radhakrishnan, DM Rao, M Chetlur, K Subramani, ...
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 62 (3), 468-493, 2002
A framework for performance analysis of parallel discrete event simulators
V Balakrishnan, P Frey, NB Abu-Ghazaleh, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the 29th conference on Winter simulation, 429-436, 1997
Process combination to increase event granularity in parallel logic simulation
TJ McBrayer, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of 9th International Parallel Processing Symposium, 572-578, 1995
Adaptive checkpoint intervals in an optimistically synchronised parallel digital system simulator
AC Palaniswamy, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the IFIP TC10/WG 10.5 International Conference on Very Large …, 1993
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Articles 1–20