Marco Painho
Marco Painho
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Assessing heavy metal contamination in Sado Estuary sediment: an index analysis approach
S Caeiro, MH Costa, TB Ramos, F Fernandes, N Silveira, A Coimbra, ...
Ecological indicators 5 (2), 151-169, 2005
Gamification: A key determinant of massive open online course (MOOC) success
M Aparicio, T Oliveira, F Bação, M Painho
Information and Management, 2018
An assessment of Public Participation GIS and Web 2.0 technologies in urban planning practice in Canela, Brazil
G Bugs, C Granell, O Fonts, J Huerta, M Painho
Cities 27 (3), 172-181, 2010
Crowdsourcing, citizen science or volunteered geographic information? The current state of crowdsourced geographic information
L See, P Mooney, G Foody, L Bastin, A Comber, J Estima, S Fritz, N Kerle, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5 (5), 55, 2016
Self-organizing maps as substitutes for k-means clustering
F Bação, V Lobo, M Painho
Computational Science–ICCS 2005: 5th International Conference, Atlanta, GA …, 2005
A multi-scenario forecast of urban change: A study on urban growth in the Algarve
E de Noronha Vaz, P Nijkamp, M Painho, M Caetano
Landscape and Urban Planning 104 (2), 201-211, 2012
Applying genetic algorithms to zone design
F Bacao, V Lobo, M Painho
Soft Computing 9, 341-348, 2005
The self-organizing map, the Geo-SOM, and relevant variants for geosciences
F Bação, V Lobo, M Painho
Computers & geosciences 31 (2), 155-163, 2005
Sustainability policies and practices in public sector organisations: The case of the Portuguese Central Public Administration
I Figueira, AR Domingues, S Caeiro, M Painho, P Antunes, R Santos, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 202, 616-630, 2018
Crop monitoring based on SPOT-5 Take-5 and sentinel-1A data for the estimation of crop water requirements
A Navarro, J Rolim, I Miguel, J Catalão, J Silva, M Painho, Z Vekerdy
Remote Sensing 8 (6), 525, 2016
Exploratory analysis of OpenStreetMap for land use classification
J Estima, M Painho
Proceedings of the second ACM SIGSPATIAL international workshop on …, 2013
Spatial sampling design for sediment quality assessment in estuaries
S Caeiro, M Painho, P Goovaerts, H Costa, S Sousa
Environmental Modelling & Software 18 (10), 853-859, 2003
Geo-self-organizing map (Geo-SOM) for building and exploring homogeneous regions
F Bação, V Lobo, M Painho
International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 22-37, 2004
Place and city: Operationalizing sense of place and social capital in the urban context
A Acedo, M Painho, S Casteleyn
Transactions in GIS 21 (3), 503-520, 2017
Urban heritage endangerment at the interface of future cities and past heritage: A spatial vulnerability assessment
E de Noronha Vaz, P Cabral, M Caetano, P Nijkamp, M Painho
Habitat International 36 (2), 287-294, 2012
Investigating the potential of OpenStreetMap for land use/land cover production: A case study for continental Portugal
J Estima, M Painho
Openstreetmap in GIScience: Experiences, research, and applications, 273-293, 2015
Employee‐driven sustainability performance assessment in public organisations
V Coutinho, AR Domingues, S Caeiro, M Painho, P Antunes, R Santos, ...
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 25 (1), 29-46, 2018
Geographical information systems principles of ordinary kriging interpolator
J Negreiros, M Painho, F Aguilar, M Aguilar
Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (11), 852-867, 2010
Ecological risk assessment of sediment management areas: application to Sado Estuary, Portugal
S Caeiro, MH Costa, A DelValls, T Repolho, M Gonçalves, A Mosca, ...
Ecotoxicology 18, 1165-1175, 2009
Spatial epidemiology of cancer: a review of data sources, methods and risk factors
BN Rita Roquette, Marco Painho
Geospatial health 12 (1), 2017
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