Leonardo Torok
Leonardo Torok
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Citado por
K-MS: a novel clustering algorithm based on morphological reconstruction
ÉO Rodrigues, L Torok, P Liatsis, J Viterbo, A Conci
Pattern Recognition 66, 392-403, 2017
A Mobile Game Controller Adapted to the Gameplay and User’s Behavior Using Machine Learning
L Torok, M Pelegrino, DG Trevisan, E Clua, A Montenegro
Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2015, 3-16, 2015
Creating and designing customized and dynamic game interfaces using smartphones and touchscreen
M Pelegrino, L Torok, D Trevisan, E Clua
2014 Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment, 133-139, 2014
Evaluating and Customizing User Interaction in an Adaptive Game Controller
L Torok, M Pelegrino, J Lessa, DG Trevisan, CN Vasconcelos, E Clua, ...
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Interactive Experience Design, 315-326, 2015
Understanding user experience with game controllers: A case study with an adaptive smart controller and a traditional gamepad
G Gonçalves, É Mourão, L Torok, D Trevisan, E Clua, A Montenegro
Entertainment Computing–ICEC 2017: 16th IFIP TC 14 International Conference …, 2017
AdaptControl: An adaptive mobile touch control for games
L Torok, M Pelegrino, J Lessa, D Trevisan, E Clua
SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, 1-1, 2014
Método de Otsu
L Torok
Instituto de Computação (UFF), 2016
Smart controller: Introducing a dynamic interface adapted to the gameplay
L Torok, M Pelegrino, D Trevisan, A Montenegro, E Clua
Entertainment Computing 27, 32-46, 2018
Designing game controllers in a mobile device
L Torok, M Pelegrino, D Trevisan, A Montenegro, E Clua
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Designing Pleasurable Experiences …, 2017
L Torok, P Liatsis, J Viterbo, A Conci
Pattern Recogn 66 (C), 392-403, 2017
PadCorrect: Correcting User Input on a Virtual Gamepad.
L Torok, E Eisemann, D Trevisan, AA Montenegro, E Clua
Graphics Interface, 58-65, 2018
Um Controle para Jogos Adaptado ao Comportamento do Usuário
L Torok
Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2014
Entertainment Computing
L Torok, M Pelegrino, D Trevisan, A Montenegro, E Clua
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